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Line Kyed Knudsen K van Klara
K van Klara 1 - Hartsvriendinnen: Klara en Rose zijn hartsvriendinnen. Ze hebben een vriendschapsketting en ze gaan allebei als prinses verkleed naar het feest op de BSO. Maar wanneer Julie bij hen in de klas komt, wordt alles anders voor Klara. K van Klara 2 - Wil je verkering met mij? Klara is dol op Benjamin uit haar klas. Ze heeft zelfs een verjaardagscadeautje voor hem gekocht. Dan krijgt ze een berichtje van hem met de vraag of ze verkering met hem wil. Klara is door het dolle heen – totdat...
Nederlands | 50 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Saga, [København] | 2018
Line Kyed Knudsen Allen voor één
Malou mag niet in de hut van de jongens komen. Ze zeggen dat ze stinkt. Klara vindt de jongens gemeen. Ze vindt het zielig voor Malou. Maar wanneer Malou Lukas slaat, wordt iedereen heel boos op Malou. Nu weet Klara plotseling niet meer wat ze er eigenlijk van vindt. Is het nog steeds zielig voor Malou? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 41 pagina's (ePub2, 5,7 MB) | SAGA Egmont, [København] | 2018
Line Kyed Knudsen Nu is het oorlog!
De jongens spelen oorlogje en Klara wil meedoen. Maar ze heeft Julie beloofd om kappertje te spelen. Dat is saai. Klara kan niet stilzitten. Uiteindelijk ontsnapt ze, zodat ze een wapen kan maken. En dan wordt Julie boos op haar ... Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 163 pagina's (ePub2, 12 MB) | SAGA Egmont, [København] | 2018
Line Kyed Knudsen K for Kara 16 - Totally Perfect
Kara thinks she is doing well in school. But one day, her teacher says something that makes Kara think she may not be doing that well. How can she get better? Or how can she get totally perfect?This is the sixteenth book in the series about Kara and her friends. The books can be read separately.Line Kyed Knudsen was born in Gentofte in 1971. She debuted in 2003 and since then, ahe has written over 50 books for children and young adults. She often writes stories about friendships between girls. She...
Engels | ePub2, 5,7 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2018
Line Kyed Knudsen K for Kara 14
Am I Fat, Mom?
Julie invites the class to her birthday party. They are going to the pool. Afterwards, they are having pizza. Rose asks if there is anything other than pizza, because she does not want to eat unhealthy food. Kara does not understand. Rose loves pizza. And she is so skinny. And if skinny Rose thinks she is fat, is Kara fat too?"This is a book for 8-10 year-old girls. The girls will love reading about Kara and her friends. It is a friendship triangle of sorts, where three girls have to navigate the...
Engels | ePub2, 13 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2018
Line Kyed Knudsen K for Kara 15 - Forbidden Photo
Kara is looking forward to having her class photos taken. Some of the boys take photos with their phones. They share the photos with each other. But suddenly, some of the photos are not so innocent. And some of the girls get really sad.This is the fifteenth book in the series about Kara and her friends. The books can be read separately.Line Kyed Knudsen was born in Gentofte in 1971. She debuted in 2003 and since then, ahe has written over 50 books for children and young adults. She often writes stories...
Engels | ePub2, 11 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2018
Line Kyed Knudsen K for Kara 17 - Just a Joke!
Kara and her class play a new game on their iPads. It is funny and exciting to see everyone yell and curse, if something bad happens in the game. But it is just a joke. Or is it? Kara does not know, and it makes her feel weird.This is the seventeenth book in the series about Kara and her friends. The books can be read separately.Line Kyed Knudsen was born in Gentofte in 1971. She debuted in 2003 and since then, she has written over 50 books for children and young adults. She often writes stories...
Engels | ePub2, 20 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2018