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Anna Kemp The worst princess
De prins die prinses Sue uit haar toren komt redden, vindt dat ze prachtige jurken moet dragen en altijd moet glimlachen. Maar daar heeft prinses Sue geen zin in. Vierkant prentenboek met kleurrijke, gedetailleerde illustraties en tekst op rijm. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Engels | 32 pagina's | Simon and Schuster, London [etc.] | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Claire Freedman Who's for dinner?
Als de dieren merken dat vos met zijn 'Handboek voor eetbare dieren' bij hun boerderij rondzwerft, breekt er paniek uit. Maar de stier heeft een plannetje. Prentenboek met expressieve kleurenillustraties. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Engels | 31 pagina's | Little Tiger Press, London | 2012
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Alex Johnson Bookshelf
Overzicht van ontwerpen voor boekenplanken en boekenkasten in alle soorten en maten.
Engels | 272 pagina's | Thames & Hudson, London | 2012
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Nelle Davy The legacy of Eden
Als de laatste bewoner van een in verval geraakt landgoed is overleden, ziet de jongste telg zich gedwongen terug te keren naar het huis van haar jeugd en haar verleden en eigen rol in de familiegeschiedenis onder ogen te zien.
Fictie | Familieroman
Engels | 9 pagina's | Mira, Richmond, Surrey | 2012
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Alex Van Tol Shallow grave
Elloit en Shannon hebben een grap uitgehaald met de directeur van hun school. Nu moeten ze samen het boothuis opruimen. Maar als Shannon een Ouija-bord maakt, wordt de vervelende klus een nachtmerrie. Verhaal in korte zinnen en gemakkelijke woorden. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Griezelverhaal
Engels | 131 pagina's | Orca Book Publishers, Victoria, BC | 2012
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Caroline Laidlaw Toy story
Andy's favoriete speelgoed is sheriff Woody. Maar dan krijgt Andy een nieuw speeltje voor zijn verjaardag, Buzz. Maar kunnen ze wel met elkaar overweg? Vanaf ca. 7 jaar.
Engels | 15 pagina's | Pearson Education, Harlow | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Tom Wolfe Back to blood
a novel
Een jonge politieagent van Cubaanse afkomst in Miami haalt zich de woede van verschillende bevolkingsgroepen in de multiculturele stad op de hals.
Fictie | Sociale roman
Engels | 704 pagina's | Cape, London | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Vladimir Safatle Grand hotel Abyss
desire, recognition and the restoration of the subject
Long-expected translation of the Portuguese academic bestseller Grande Hotel Abismo. In the last two decades recognition - arguably one of the most central notions of the dialectical tradition since Hegel - has once again become a crucial philosophical theme. Nevertheless, the new theories of recognition fail to provide room for reflection on transformation processes in politics and morality. This book aims to recover the disruptive nature of the dialectical tradition by means of a severe critique...
Engels | 322 pagina's (PDF, 1,2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Dr. Jetske All about your skin
have skin 3 times more beautiful in 3 months
Dr. Jetske Ultee asks, "Do you, too, dream of having beautiful skin? Have you already spent a small fortune on creams, lotions and serums, pursuing that dream? If so, you probably discovered some time ago that those products often promise the earth, but don't actually do that much. The more I have delved into the workings of cosmetics, the more shocked I have become by the nonsense, the half-truths and the out-and-out lies that we are bombarded with by adverts, commercials, and on the labels of all...
Engels | ePub3, 3,4 MB | Uncover Skincare, Rotterdam | 2015
Patrick Develtere How do we help?
the free market of development aid
The balance sheet of 50 years of development aidOver the past 50 years the West has invested over 3000 billion euro in development aid and already tackled many problems. Now more and more countries and organisations present themselves on the development aid scene, including China, India, and foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Companies, trade unions, co-operatives, schools and towns set up their own projects in remote African regions. But can each and everybody become a development...
Engels | 266 pagina's (PDF, 2,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2012
A.T. Vergunst Bridge to Mark
In Bridge to Mark, the Gospel according to Mark is connected to you. By very simply explaining what it says, I have tried to get the message as close to you as possible. The book contains short pieces to felect on. It is the message of salvation. Your pastor A.T. Vergunst, Carterton, New Zealand Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Fictie | Non-fictie
Engels | ePub2, 0,3 MB | Erdee Media Groep – Uitgeverij de Banier, Apeldoorn | 2012
René C.W. Boender Cool is hot
ambitious brain candies with a mission!
Ambitious, inspirational brain twists with a mission! Cool is Hot is much more than just another book. Each brain candy leaves you bubbling with newfound energy. Just like in the bestseller Great to Cool youll embark on a trip and find yourself making numerous decisions along the way. Page after page, youll feel the adrenaline flowing as you do what you have to do in the present day and age. Change with a mission. Effortlessly and light-heartedly, but with depth too, René Boender presents you with...
Engels | 235 pagina's (ePub2, 5,2 MB) | Bertram + de Leeuw Uitgevers, Haarlem | 2012
Advising on research methods
selected topics 2011
More information: www.jvank.nl/ARMSelected2011 This book results from a research master course Methodological Advice that was given at the University of Amsterdam, fall 2011. The objectives of this course are: (a) to acquire methodological knowledge that is needed for advising researchers in the behavioral and social sciences, and (b) to get experience with methodological consultancy. The students get various assignments, one of which was to write a paper on a topic that may come up during methodological...
Engels | 94 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Johannes van Kessel Publishing, Huizen | 2012
Peter de Ruiter The art of bodypainting
bonus e-book English
Kennismaking via dit bonus e-book met de gedrukte versie: een luxe koffietafelboek met daarin een overzicht van het werk van 45 hedendaagse bodypainters.
Engels | 75 pagina's | PixelPerfect Publications, Den Haag | 2012
Rik Marselis | Ewald Roodenrijs The PointZERO vision
stop wasting time and money
"Stop wasting time and money PointZERO® is a vision aimed at increasing business success by parallel and step-by-step improvement across the application lifecycle, to shorten time to market, avoid and reduce cost, eliminate risk, and reach fit for purpose quality."
Engels | 151 pagina's (ePub2, 5,4 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen UT | 2012
Peter de Ruiter Holland, as we see it
"Holland, as we see it This striking photo ebook about Holland is the labour of love of 140 Dutch photographers who spend most of their free time capturing the towns and landscapes of their country in the best light. Altogether they present you with a multicolored image of a country known for its cheese, tulips and windmills. But of course there is much more to discover: the woods, the sea, the animals, the seasons, the architecture and the people themselves. They are all in this ebook,accompanied...
Engels | ePub2 | PixelPerfect Publications, Den Haag | 2012
Orpheus Institute Dramma giocoso
four contemporary perspectives on the Mozart/Da Ponte operas
The three Mozart/Da Ponte operas offer an inexhaustible wellspring for critical reflection, possessing a complexity and equivocation common to all great humane works. They have the potential to reflect and refract whatever locus of contemporaneity may be the starting point for enquiry. Thus, even postmodern and postmillennial concerns, far from seeming irrelevant to these operas, are instead given new perspectives by them, whilst the music and the dramatic situations have the multivalency to accept...
Engels | 140 pagina's (PDF) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2012
Han Peeters The new world order
"In this exciting fantasy adventure novel Emile van Straten, a historic scientist, is sailing around the world with his girlfriend Jenny on their yacht the Davy Jones. During their journey Unesco assigns him to investigate a document that was found on the island Terceira. Then Emile discovers the magical diamond, a tour de force in geometry. A mysterious symbol that turns out to be the key to the unravelling of world mysteries, such as the pyramids of Giza, the Nazca-plain in Peru and the mysterious...
Engels | 223 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | ClusterEffect, Breda | 2012
Barbara Stok Vincent
The turbulent life of Vincent van Gogh continues to serve as a source of inspiration for many people. In this graphic novel, artist and writer Barbara Stok takes the reader on a journey to the brief and intense period of time that the painter spent in the south of France. Vincent dreams of setting up an artists' house in Arles for himself and his friends. However, his attacks of mental illness confuse and disorient him, culminating in the notorious incident with his ear and leaving his dreams shattered....
Engels | 147 pagina's (ePub2, 38 MB) | Singel Uitgeverijen, Amsterdam | 2012
H. van der Cammen | Len de Klerk | Gerhard Dekker | P.P. Witsen The selfmade land
culture and evolution of urban and regional planning in the Netherlands
Nederland is één van de meest dichtbevolkte landen ter wereld. Dan moet je verstandig omgaan met de beschikbare ruimte. Waar gaan we werken, waar wonen en waar vakantie houden? Wat bebouwen en wat blijft ongerept? Nergens ter wereld wordt daar zo grondig over nagedacht als in Nederland. Internationaal geldt Nederland als gidsland op het gebied van de ruimtelijke ordening. Vanwege deze positie, en om aan de vraag vanuit het Engelstalige onderwijs te voorzien, verschijnt nu deze geheel herziene,...
Engels | 366 pagina's (ePub2, 11 MB) | Spectrum, Houten | 2012