Zoekresultaten voor: *
Resultaat 101 - 120 (van 9082)
Lacey-Crane Jane Lacey-Crane The Little Shop on Floral Street
an emotional story of love, loss and family
In the wake of tragedy, two sisters have to piece their family back together again... Grace never thought she''d have to return home to Floral Street. Having spent most of her life building a successful career in London, she''s done everything she possibly can to avoid the flower stall that''s been in her family for generations. But when tragedy hits, she''s got no choice. It''s time to face the demons of the past and support her family. Faith has returned home after years travelling the world. The...
Engels | ePub2, 3,8 MB | Aria, [Nederland] | 2020
Daisy Johnson Sisters
The electrifying novel from the Booker shortlisted author of Everything Under. ''A short sharp explosion of a gothic thriller'' ObserverSomething unspeakable has happened to sisters July and September. Desperate for a fresh start, they move across the country to an old family house that has a troubled life of its own. Noises come from behind the walls. Lights flicker of their own accord. Sleep feels impossible, dreams are endless.In their new, unsettling surroundings, July finds that the fierce bond...
Engels | ePub3, 1,6 MB | Vintage Digital, [Nederland] | 2020
Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy 2
Purgatory; World Classics
Having survived the darkest and deepest depths of Hell, Dante must now clamber and climb up the mountain of Purgatory to secure his seat in Heaven. But reuniting with his beloved Beatrice is far from easy. Seven terraces await him. With seven deadly sins. Can Dante cleanse his soul of each and every one? And is his newfound heavenly hope enough to reject the fierce and fiery hell he left behind? In his second instalment of ‘The Divine Comedy’, Dante journeys through the no-man’s land between Heaven...
Engels | ePub3, 0,5 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Margaret Sidney Five Little Peppers at School
World Classics
The Five Little Peppers are off to school - Joel and Davie at a boys' boarding school, Polly, Phronsie and Ben at home. When the boys come home for the holidays, all the children are caught up in plans to help the poor family of a brakeman who was killed in an accident. Meanwhile Polly struggles to keep Jasper's friend from being expelled, Phronsie has a frightening accident and Ben works hard to repay Mr. King.Margaret Sidney was the pen name of Harriett Mulford Lothrop, née Stone (1844-1924)....
Engels | ePub3, 0,5 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Margaret Sidney Five Little Peppers Grown Up
World Classics
"Five Little Peppers Grown Up" continues the story of Ben, Polly, Joel, David, and Phronsie Pepper. Together with the Kings, the Whitneys, and other friends old and new, the Peppers learn and teach about life and love as they grow into adulthood.Margaret Sidney was the pen name of Harriett Mulford Lothrop, née Stone (1844-1924). She was first published at age 34, when two of her stories came out in the Boston children’s magazine “Wide Awake”. Following their success, the editor asked her to write...
Engels | ePub3, 0,6 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Jane Austen Mansfield Park
World Classics
Mr Darcy and Miss Bennet may be one of the most cherished love stories in English literature, but did you know, Fanny Price was Austen’s favourite? She’s also one of literature’s biggest controversies, but, more on that drama later. Sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle from her poverty-stricken home of Portsmouth, Fanny Price struggles to find her place in the upper-class world of Mansfield Park. Never allowing her to forget her true status, she is at the mercy of her cruel aunt, only finding...
Engels | ePub2, 0,5 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
World Classics
Does Romeo and Juliet really need an introduction? Of all William Shakespeare’s plays, this might be the best known to date. Lamentable tragedies, star-crossed lovers and feuding families: if you somehow haven’t managed to read the all-time romantic tragedy classic, this is your sign to do so. In the midst of a violence and disputes, two young lovers find each other in a world that continuously contradict their attempt to attain eternal love and happiness. The age-old vendetta between the Montagues...
Engels | ePub2, 0,5 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Lev Tolstoj Anna Karenina
World Classics
Many consider ‘Anna Karenina’ to be the greatest novel of all time. A profound and exhaustive exploration of Russian life and the human condition. Tolstoy creates one of the most complex heroines in literature as he details Anna falling a conscious victim to her own passion. The dramatic scope of the story, the memorable characters, and the wealth of emotions that Tolstoy displays render ‘Anna Karenina’ much more than a novel, but rather an unmissable chronicle of the human condition that transcends...
Engels | ePub2, 1,3 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Émile Zola Nana
The Rougon-Macquart Series
She is beautiful, charismatic and destroys every man who dares to pursue her. Before the character of femme fatale was coined in American cinema, Émile Zola captured the seductive female power in "Nana": the ninth installment in the Les Rougon-Macquart series. A daughter of an abusive drunk, forced to live on the streest, Nana manages to rise to high-class prostitute. The novel begins with her debute in Théâtre des Variétés causing all Paris to talk about her. Follow the corrupted and tragic...
Engels | ePub3, 0,6 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy 3
Paradise; World Classics
As Dante’s soul ascents to God, he must juggle with the weight of the world’s injustices at his feet. Cleansed of his own sins, his vision and virtues are clear. But how can good triumph over evil back on Earth? With God’s own message so brilliant in Heaven, Dante scrambles to write and record all that he can for mortals on Earth. And as he joins his beloved Beatrice for a final future, he's intent on sharing his moral musing with those treading a troubled path. Only time will tell how his lessons...
Engels | ePub3, 0,4 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy 1
Hell; World Classics
'Abandon all hope, you who enter here’ Frightened and helpless, Dante is desperate to escape the darkened wood and join his Beloved Beatrice at the gates of Heaven. But fate and fear have other plans. His Vigil can do little to stop the wrath of God. Nor can Dante hope to escape the clutches of the leopard, lion and she-wolf, all guarding his path. There’s only one way in – with no way out. As he climbs the stairway to Hell, Dante’s realisation, recognition and rejection of sin must begin. But who...
Engels | ePub3, 0,4 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Louisa May Alcott Little Women
Little Women Series
Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy are four sisters trying to support the family and keep their spirit up while their father is at war. Each one of them has a unique vivid personality which helps them overcome the hardships of poverty. Showing the transition from childhood to womanhood, "Little Women" together with its sequels: "Good Wives", "Little Men", and "Jo's Boys", has been one of the most widely read novels in the world. It has inspired numerous adaptations including a 2019 movie starring Emma Watson...
Engels | ePub3, 0,9 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2020
Olga van der Meer Liefdesvlinders
Wanneer haar man gevangen wordt gezet wegens een roofoverval, moet een vrouw in haar eentje voor haar gezin zorgen en drie modewinkels runnen
Fictie | Familieroman
Nederlands | daisy-rom | Dedicon, Grave | 2007
Gesproken boek
Meindert Bylsma It iene hellet it oare út
Jo sille it no grif wol yn 'e gaten hawwe, achte lêzer, dit boek sil alle kanten út fleane. It ûntstiet. Ik ha gjin fêst plan. Ik sil mei feit en fiksje yn 'e kamp gean. As wie it yn in hurdfytswedstryd. Der kin feit yn myn bidon sitte, of feit mei in flut fantasije der trochhinne, mar it kin likegoed fiksje wêze, of fiksje mei in steal wierheid der yn. Dizze assojaasjeroman rint 'fan koarstekoeke nei jenever'. It begjint en eindiget mei it jonkje Timen,dat gauris te let op skoalle komt, omdat...
Westerlauwers Fries | 246 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Elikser, Leeuwarden | 2021
Marianna van Tuinen Boer Bo en de dreamko
Ferona is in fleurige ko. Twa kear deis komt boer Bo om har te melken. Hearlik! Se kin ek wat hiel bysûnders. Ferona betinkt dingen dy't net kinne. Oranje molke, blau gers, in griene sinne. Oare bisten probearje it ek en belibje sa prachtige aventoeren. Kin boer Bo dat einliks ek? Dy is faak sa somber. 'Besykje it mar ris,' seit Ferona. En wat der dan mei boer Bo gebeurt ... Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Westerlauwers Fries | 43 pagina's (ePub3, 27 MB) | Elikser, Leeuwarden | 2021
Linda van Rijn Ferien auf Texel
Linda van Rijn ist eine niederländische Bestsellerautorin. Ihre Bücher stehen durchweg ganz oben auf der niederländischen Bestsellerliste und haben sich bereits über zwei Millionen Mal verkauft. Ferien auf Texel ist ihr dreiundzwanzigster Urlaubskrimi, der – ebenso wie Zoutelande – ins Deutsche übersetzt wurde. Ein Traum, der dank des Erbes, das Daniëlle von ihrer Oma erhalten hat, in Erfüllung gehen konnte. Während des ersten Sommers im eigenen Häuschen können sie ihr Glück kaum fassen....
Duits | 256 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | Uitgeverij Marmer, Baarn | 2021
Christoph Nußbaumeder Die Unverhofften
De opkomst, verval en hernieuwing van een Zuid-Duitse ondernemersfamilie van 1900 tot op heden.
Fictie | Familieroman | Historische roman
Duits | 668 pagina's | Suhrkamp, Berlin | 2020
Gedrukt boek
Dara McAnulty Diary of a young naturalist
In zijn dagboek houdt de autistische en prijswinnende Dara (15) uit Noord-Ierland een jaar lang bij hoe zijn wereld verandert. Hij is niet alleen bezig met huiswerk, examens en vriendschappen maar ook met het beschermen van de natuur en het milieu. Met vier zwart-witfoto's. Gebaseerd op een waargebeurd verhaal. Vanaf ca. 15 t/m 18 jaar.
Engels | 219 pagina's | Little Toller, Dorset | 2020
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Stuart Evers The blind light
Drummond leert eind jaren '50 twee mensen kennen die een belangrijke rol zullen spelen in zijn verdere leven; de flamboyante Carter en bardame Gwen op wie hij verliefd wordt.
Engels | 535 pagina's | Picador, London | 2020
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Claire Legrand Kingsbane
Sun Queen of Blood Queen, dat is de vraag hij zowel Rielle Dardenne als 1000 jaar later bij haar dochter Eliana Ferracora. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Science fiction
Engels | 617 pagina's | Sourcebooks Fire, Naperville, Illinois | 2020
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