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M. Elchardus Reset
over identiteit, gemeenschap en democratie
Beschouwing op de ontwikkelingen in gemeenschapsdenken na de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de negatieve invloed van het neoliberalisme daarop.
Nederlands | 606 pagina's | Ertsberg, [Aalter] | 2022
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Eva García Sáenz de Urturi El libro negro de las horas
Een ex-inspecteur van de Spaanse politie krijgt een raadselachtig telefoontje: een stem draagt hem op om binnen een week het Zwarte boek van de uren te vinden, en dan zal zijn moeder niet sterven. Zijn moeder ligt echter al jaren begraven op het plaatselijke kerkhof...
Fictie | Thriller
Spaans | 377 pagina's | Planeta, Barcelona | 2022
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Jennifer L. Armentrout The problem with forever
Na een heftige start van haar leven in gewelddadige pleeggezinnen komt een meisje als ze 17 is op een high school haar enige vriend en beschermer uit haar jeugd tegen, waarna een romance volgt.
Fictie | Romantische verhalen
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | MIRA Ink, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Fireman Sam - The Runaway from Zoo
Norman and Mandy are at the beach when they spot a penguin! Realising it must have escaped from the Zoo, Mandy wants to return it, but Norman has other ideas and decides to take it home. He soon discovers that looking after a penguin is more work than he realised though, and trouble starts when the penguin goes missing after he tries to take it to the swimming pool. Luckily, Fireman Sam and the firefighting team are soon on their way to the rescue!© 2022 Prism Art & Design Limited. The Fireman Sam...
Engels | ePub3, 20 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Bob the Builder
Wendy Saves the Day
Bob, Wendy and the team have a new project – to build a treehouse for Saffi! Saffi has drawn up her own exciting designs and wants the treehouse to be the new headquarters for the Spring City Rockets. There’s a lot to do, so the team quickly get to work but the excitement proves too much for Saffi, who just can’t wait to explore her new treehouse before it’s ready. Luckily, Wendy and Bob are on hand to save the day!Bob the Builder and associated trademarks are owned by Mattel and used under license...
Engels | ePub3, 39 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Fireman Sam - Competition in Danger
It’s the day of the Giant Vegetable Competition in Pontypandy and the children are sure they will win, thanks to Hannah’s enormous pumpkin! All they have to do now is get the giant pumpkin to the fair – but it’s going to be tricky as it’s so huge and heavy! Meanwhile, a mysterious creature is causing havoc at the vegetable competition. Can Fireman Sam help get to the bottom of the mystery? © 2022 Prism Art & Design Limited. The Fireman Sam name and character are trademarks of Prism Art & Design Limited....
Engels | ePub3, 27 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Fireman Sam - A Great Rescue Dog
It’s a beautiful summers day in Pontypandy, and there is going to be a big picnic on the beach, with a sandcastle competition. Everyone is invited, but Elvis must stay at the fire station with Radar the dalmatian in case there is an emergency. On the beach, Norman is annoyed that young Lily keeps following him everywhere while he’s trying to concentrate on building the biggest sandcastle, but when the tide starts to rise and Lily goes missing the beachgoers must call on Elvis and Radar to help them...
Engels | ePub3, 35 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Fireman Sam - A Magic Rescue
Norman has been practising his magic tricks and decides to make a movie of them up in the Pontypandy mountains. Mandy, James and Sarah all go to the mountains with Norman to help film his tricks, but when Norman flies his kite out of the train window en route to the location and gets it stuck, Gareth the train conductor has to call for Fireman Sam to come quickly and help rescue Norman!© 2022 Prism Art & Design Limited. The Fireman Sam name and character are trademarks of Prism Art & Design Limited....
Engels | ePub3, 26 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Bob the Builder
Cats and Dogs
Pilchard the cat has to make a trip to the vet for a check-up and gets a fright when Cooper the dog comes bounding in to try and scare her! Tilly the vet is worried, as she has Mayor Madison’s cat coming in later that day and she doesn’t want Cooper to scare her too. Bob and the team decide to help Tilly out by building a reception with separate areas for dogs and cats. The team soon realise that it’s not easy to get the job done whilst looking after an energetic dog and a mischievous cat at the...
Engels | ePub3, 36 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Fireman Sam - A Super Football Match
In Pontypandy the town is preparing for the sports event of the year – the annual football match between the firefighters and the bus drivers! No one is more excited than young Norman, though he had forgotten that he promised to help Rosalia with her pizza stand at the stadium and will miss the match. Whilst the game gets underway, Norman has all kinds of problems in the kitchen, but luckily Sam, Elvis and Penny are all nearby to lend a hand! © 2022 Prism Art & Design Limited. The Fireman Sam name...
Engels | ePub3, 33 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Fireman Sam - A Fiery Concert
The rockstars of Pontypandy Mike and Elvis are busy practising for their big concert in the harbour. When Fireman Sam pops over to hear them play, however, he finds the pair during a heated argument! The band decides to split up, and Mike and Elvis must both find new ways to entertain the crowd at the concert - but it’s hard to learn a new skill or to find a replacement in time. When sparks start flying at the concert, it’s up to Fireman Sam and his trusty firefighting crew to save the day and help...
Engels | ePub3, 18 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Fireman Sam - Canoe Adrift
It’s the day of the great Pontypandy Canoe Race, and Ben and Hannah will be racing each other to the Harbour. Hannah is determined to win and sets off quickly, with Ben not far behind. Mandy and Norman meanwhile are distributing posters to ensure there will be a big crowd at the finish line to watch them cross the line. But Hannah and Ben don’t appear at the finish line when they should, and darkness is falling. Something is wrong – and Fireman Sam, Elvis and Penny are quickly on the case. © 2022...
Engels | ePub3, 23 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Bob the Builder
Dino Park
At the brand-new Dino Park, Bob, Scoop, Muck and Lofty are all ready for the arrival of the model dinosaurs. The team must get them into position ready for Mayor Madison, who is coming to inspect the Dino Park before opening it to the public. Muck is nervous though; the dinosaur models seem very realistic, and they can even roar! When Scoop and Lofty decide to play a trick on Muck, it seems like the dinosaurs have come to life - but have they given Muck too much of a fright, and will Bob and the...
Engels | ePub3, 38 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Mattel Fireman Sam - Saving a Horse
Trevor Evans has been teaching the children a useful skill – how to read a map. To test out their new skills, the children separate into teams to race each other to the top of Mount Pontypandy. James and Sarah are on one team, and Mandy and Norman are on the other. When Norman decides he doesn’t need to use the map though his team runs into trouble, and Fireman Sam and the fire department are soon on their way to the rescue!© 2022 Prism Art & Design Limited. The Fireman Sam name and character are...
Engels | ePub3, 30 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2021
Skottie Young En ze leefden nog lang en ongelukkig
Een volwassen vrouw in het lichaam van een zesjarige probeert al dertig jaar te ontsnappen uit Sprookjesland. Ballonstrip in kleur.
Fictie | Sprookjes | Stripverhaal
Nederlands | 132 pagina's | MENLU, [Schinveld] | 2022
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Jan Van der Vurst Ken je innerlijke goden en godinnen
Verhandeling over de rol die de archetypes van de Griekse goden en godinnen spelen in het dagelijks leven van mensen. Met zwart-witillustraties.
Nederlands | 254 pagina's | Garant, Antwerpen, Apeldoorn | 2022
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Jurgen | Marinka Verhalen voor de ziel
Snor en Otje bespreken dilemma's en hopen dat de lezertjes er iets verder mee kunnen komen. Braaf prentvertelling voor kinderen vanaf ca. 6 jaar.
Fictie | Dierenleven
Nederlands | 74 pagina's | TGR Publishing, [Naarden] | 2022
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Christian Meyer Pietro d’Abano, Expositio problematum (XIX)
Édition, introduction et notes critiques et explicatives
Pietro d'Abano (c. 1257-1315) est l'un des principaux commentateurs des Problemata aristotéliciens (c. 250 avant J.-Chr.) dont la section XIX traite de divers aspects du son et de la musique vocale et instrumentale. Rédigé autour de 1300 et largement diffusé aux XIVe et XVe siècles, le commentaire des cinquante problèmes de cette section développe un discours novateur sur la perception du chant et de la musique instrumentale et leurs effets. Partagé entre raison et sensibilité, il est dominé...
Frans | PDF, 2,4 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Yvonne Gillissen Ein Haus bauen
In dieser Reihe treffen wir ein fröhliches, verspieltes kleines Knutti, das sich nach und nach in einer Welt voller kleiner Abenteuer und Wunder selbst entdeckt. Fiktion. Knutti Rodelflausch ist eine Fantasiefigur mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften und mit erkennbaren menschlichen Zügen für Kinder (ab 4-6 Jahren) Jeder Band der Reihe steht für sich, wobei die einzelnen Bände dennoch miteinander verbunden sind. Alle Bände der Reihe zusammen bilden schlussendlich "DIE WELT VON KNUTTI RODELFLAUSCH"....
Duits | 3 pagina's (ePub3, 1,2 MB) | Xpath Design multimedia producties, Amsterdam | 2022
Willem Tjerkstra Beaken foar it minskdom
Beaken foar it Minskdom is it seisentweintichste boek yn de rige fan In Fryske Odyssee. Dêryn is it libbensferhaal fan Bouke Blomhof opnommen, boer oan de Fluezen by It Heidenskip. Dit ferhaal is in ûnderdiel fan tal fan oare ferhalen, libbensbeskriuwings, mytyske teksten, novellen en romans, dy't allegear in relaasje hawwe mei it libben fan de haadpersoan. De grutte roman oer de Blomhofs is de reade trie dy't troch it gehiel rint. Yn Mei it Mystearje, Mei Russyske Mystearjes, It Godsmystearje,...
Westerlauwers Fries | ePub2, 4,1 MB | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022