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Ewout Storm van Leeuwen Temple of Zong? Never heard of.
Indochina, 1951. Tonkin and northern Annam have been liberated by the Vietminh. In the south, the French are fighting a vicious battle to keep the corrupt regime in Saigon in power. We meet him in Nha Trang, an Annamese port town where he debarked from a French ocean liner in search of a monastery that a dream said had to be somewhere in the mountains of Annam. It was not the only reason for his quest: he had inherited a chest with unusual contents a small skeleton. Accompanying the chest was a manuscript...
Engels | 188 pagina's (PDF, 0,8 MB) | [Artscience], [Amsterdam] | 2023
Ewout Storm van Leeuwen When the climate goes feral
coming of age in a tipping world; novel
All the sawmill's forest is lost in devastating fires. After years of drought, a period of torrential rain breaks out. The barren slopes no longer hold water, and a black tidal wave rages through the river valley. Eleven-year-old Mindra and her invalid grandmother are the last inhabitants of a village near the abandoned sawmill, high on the mountainside. She rescues some survivors, who become her new family. The world is tipping and they must make it on their own. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 262 pagina's (PDF, 1 MB) | [Artscience], [Amsterdam] | 2023
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Et heanige preenske
Een piloot ontmoet bij een noodlanding in de woestijn een prinsje van een verre planeet. Van hem leert de piloot dat je alleen met je hart goed kunt zien.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Nederduits | ePub2, 6,6 MB | Alfabet uitgevers, [Utrecht] | 2023