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Evert Heintz Flow for life
Discover your unprecedented capabilities with the pyramid of insight
"Suddenly the ground disappeared from under my feet and I fell into the abyss. During my 15 meter fall I landed on a snow bridge which saved my life as the crevasse was at least fifty meters deep." As a person you can do much more than you think! In this fascinating book you will learn to discover your unprecedented capabilities and thus increase the flow and energy in your own life. After a near-death experience, author and mountaineer Evert Heintz learned to look differently at his energy. He developed...
Engels | 268 pagina's (ePub2, 12 MB) | Heintz, Heemskerk | 2024
Jasper Heijboer The Cryptohandbook
A clear explanation of the crypto world and blockchain technology for beginners
Are you intrigued by the phenomenon 'crypto' but unsure where to start researching? Look no further than this book as your entry point into the world of crypto and blockchain. It provides a clear and concise overview of the entire crypto market along with essential insights into the innovative blockchain technology that is the driver between crypto. There exists a significant knowledge gap regarding Bitcoin, Altcoins, and blockchain technology among the general population, ranging from production...
Engels | 174 pagina's (ePub3, 10 MB) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2024
Filip Debelva | Niels Bammens Principles of taxation
Taxation is a fundamental aspect of modern societies, and an essential instrument to fund government expenditures. Without taxes, governments would be unable to provide public services relating to healthcare, education, infrastructure or social welfare. Because of their importance, taxes permeate every aspect of society. Businesses are faced with tax consequences when selling goods or providing services, when paying salaries, when expanding into a new market, etc. But the decisions of individuals...
Engels | 300 pagina's (ePub2, 4,9 MB) | Owl Press Legal, Gent | 2024
Rick Hayes | Philip Wallage | Peter Eimers Principles of International Auditing and Assurance
This groundbreaking textbook redefines auditing education by seamlessly incorporating International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and other IAASB assurance standards at its core, establishing a new paradigm in how auditing principles are taught. Recognized worldwide as the hallmark of auditing excellence, ISAs set the highest benchmarks for audit quality. This latest edition meticulously unfolds the evolution, application, and global integration of ISAs, alongside other assurance standards and key...
Engels | 704 pagina's (ePub2, 17 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2024
Paul Van Den Bosch Lead like a coach (English edition)
7 top sports principles for leaders
In this inspiring book, top sports coach Paul Van Den Bosch introduces you to the fascinating world of coaching. Thanks to his years of experience working with European and world champions, he is able to demonstrate why the principles of sports coaching are just as valuable and effective for anyone in a leadership position. Discover a unique perspective and in-depth insights into how to achieve top performance. What are the crucial factors that determine (sports) performance? And how can those factors...
Engels | 192 pagina's (ePub2, 2,1 MB) | Pelckmans uitgevers, Leuven | 2024
Dieter Penninckx The Man in the Arena
About entrepreneurship: wanting to win, being able to lose, and starting over again
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; () who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so reads a famous speech by Theodore Roosevelt. With those words in mind, Dieter...
Engels | 256 pagina's (ePub2, 2,3 MB) | Pelckmans uitgevers, Leuven | 2024
Anja van den Broeck | Hermina van Coillie | Jacques Forest | Marcus B. Muller The ABC of Work Motivation
How to Energize Any Organization
What are the innate and universal ingredients to stimulate employee well-being and performance? This book will help you learn more about these, based on the latest research in motivational science. Motivation is the key to our lives. Whether at work, at home, at school or on the sports field, we constantly need to find ways to motivate ourselves and those we support. What if, instead of motivational tricks, we could rely on a positive, universal, and surprisingly simple point of view: that of Self-Determination...
Engels | 208 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2024
Peter Corijn True leaders deliver
an essential guide to mission success
GREAT BUSINESS LEADERS FOCUS ON DELIVERING RESULTS. THEY WANT TO WIN AND MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD. BUT HOW TO GET THERE? That’s the subject of Peter Corijn’s acclaimed book. Based on extensive executive experience and research, the core pillars that lead to mission success are revealed. The author not only provides a compelling explanation of the “what”, but also offers crucial guidance on the “how” of creating and capturing value in the marketplace. Lots of proven tools are shared...
Engels | 300 pagina's (ePub2, 3 MB) | Owl Press, Ghent | 2023
Rudy Moenaert | Henry Robben The customer leader
A Leadership Guide to Build Great Business through the Choices Customers Make
The Customer Leader makes your favorite management books obsolete. You can start emptying and rearranging your bookcase and make room for the Customer Leader. The Customer Leader is an action-packed, no-nonsense page-turner. It helps you to define value, analyze the arena you are competing in, develop a winning value proposition, and build a customer-driven organization. The Customer Leader is about leadership, customers, and creating great business. It addresses the most important question every...
Engels | 208 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | S2 Uitgevers, Baarn | 2023
Jeremy Denisty | Dado Van Peteghem The Virtual Economy
A guide for leaders to thrive in the 3rd age of the Internet
There is a new generation waiting on our doorsteps, flourishing in virtual worlds and virtual communities. They think and act differently, from leisure over work and everything in between. The third wave of the Internet is unfolding in front of our eyes, but what is it about and which opportunities will the emerging virtual economy create for businesses, governments & society at large? How do you win in a world enabled by blockchains, immersive virtual environments and ubiquitous AI platforms? This...
Engels | 288 pagina's (ePub2, 9,4 MB) | Pelckmans uitgevers, Kalmthout | 2023
Koen Van den Eeckhout Powerful charts
the art of creating clear, correct and beautiful data visuals
Charts are an excellent way to share complex ideas or large amounts of data with your audience. But they are also hard to make: which chart works best in which situation - and why? What color scheme should you use to strengthen your message? What are some common pitfalls to avoid? How can you add the perfect title, labels, legend and caption? And how do you move beyond a boring pie or bar chart? Powerful Charts explains how basic design and communication principles help you decide which chart type...
Engels | 200 pagina's (ePub2, 19 MB) | Owl Press, Ghent | 2022
Hanan Challouki Inclusive Communication
Everything you need to know to reach a diverse audience
In an increasingly diverse society, companies and governments are constantly looking for ways to communicate efficiently and broaden their target audience. The difference between the diversity in society and the lack of it in the majority of sectors is enormous. Companies are increasingly aware of the potential of diverse target groups and want to know how to reach them effectively. However, in-house communication teams and creative agencies lack the necessary expertise to achieve this. With this...
Engels | 160 pagina's (ePub2, 2,8 MB) | Pelckmans, Edegem | 2022
Johan Verbeke Diplomatic skills
The Basics
Whether you're negotiating a deal, giving a presentation, or conducting a challenging discussion, diplomatic skills are invaluable. Diplomats are skilled practitioners when it comes to negotiation, public speaking and debating. But these skills aren't exclusive to diplomats, they are essential for professionals across various fields. This book reviews these and other skills in depth, highlighting their universal applicability. Ultimately, we are reminded that we're all diplomats in our own way, influencing...
Engels | 232 pagina's (ePub3, 2,6 MB) | BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS, Brussel | 2022
Derk-Jan de Grood Surfing the waves of agile
value delivery in medium and large organizations
Value delivery gets more difficult when organizations grow. The enterprise structures challenge the way of working. Challenges that change when organizations progress on their Agile journey. Agile leaders need to shift their focus from the teams to collaboration and business outcome. Agile coaches discover that they need additional skills and knowledge to support them. Derk-Jan de Grood created a rich source of knowledge for Agile coaches and leaders to combine forces and guide their organization...
Engels | 220 pagina's (ePub2, 13 MB) | Techwatch, Nijmegen | 2021
Kees Klomp | Shinta Oosterwaal Thrive
fundamentals for a new economy
While the world speculates about its post-pandemic state within the traditional economic narrative, unprecedented ecological and social damage prove the current neoclassical economic model to be untenable. In Thrive. Fundamentals for a New Economy, Kees Klomp and Shinta Oosterwaal provide insights into alternative approaches to economics that are sustainable and just for both society and the planet in the long term. In twenty-four essays, internationally renowned economic thinkers like Kate Raworth,...
Engels | ePub2 | Uitgeverij Business Contact, Amsterdam | 2021
Alex Vanderstraeten | Robin Kramar Sustainable HRM
from theory to practice
As we face new technological developments and new ways of working, rapid economic growth, globalisation, climate change, growing, inequality and Covid-19, no-one can deny that times are changing fast. Therefore, organisations human resource management also needs to adapt: this is where Sustainable HRM (or SHRM) comes into the picture. But what is Sustainable Human Resource Management? How does it differ from HRM, and what makes it a truly new way of looking at the management of people and organisations?...
Engels | 216 pagina's (ePub2, 3,3 MB) | OWL PRESS, Ghent | 2021
Peter Ampe From cold case to gold case
how to craft engaging case films
how to translate an idea into a compelling case study film. The author Peter Ampe combines fifteen years of jury experience with sharp analyses of award-winning cases. This guide is based on the vital insight that case study films have a lot in common with short movies. You will learn how to go from copywriter to screenwriter and use plot, genre and structure to evolve from complacent to compelling, from messy to seamless - from case to story. This step by step guide provides an essential tool for...
Engels | 118 pagina's (ePub2, 3,5 MB) | Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, Ghent | 2020
Jo Caudron The World is Round
An optimistic master plan for the transformation of business and society
For over twenty years sectors have been changing in the wake of digital disruption. Today banks, retailers, the media, taxi firms and so many other organisations are feeling the power of digitisation and the challenges it brings. All sectors find themselves in their particular perfect storm, in which digital forces compel them to adopt a new position. But what if that's just the beginning? What if seeking a futureoriented transformation plan solely in relation to your industry proves insufficient?...
Engels | 280 pagina's (ePub2, 18 MB) | Pelckmans uitgevers, Kalmthout | 2020
Nele Pieters | Stephanie Duval You do you
A fresh new voice in inspiration for business professionals, You do You takes competitive strategy into the 21st century. Combining insights from cognitive psychology and recent sociological transformations, the writers create a compelling case for a counter-intuitive approach: turning your focus inward to become a better brand for your consumer. In irresistibly persuasive language, Nele Pieters and Stephanie Duval build on the foundation of competitive strategy developed in recent decades, and they...
Engels | 164 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Pelckmans uitgevers, Kalmthout | 2020
Kayo Matsushita When news travels east
translation practices by Japanese newspapers
Journalism and unique translation practices by Japanese media today International news stories provided to the public basically rely on translation. Most of this translation is done not by translators, but by journalists with practically no training in translation. What happens when the norms of journalism and those of translation clash? In this book, the author, a trained conference interpreter and former international journalist, investigates translator decisions in the practice of Japanese news...
Engels | PDF, 3,3 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019