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Resultaat 41 - 50 (van 50)
Grab your warmest blanket, fetch yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate, and join Pimpa on this cold adventure! It’s winter, and Pimpa walks with Armando to work. But when it starts snowing heavily, she can’t seem to find her way home. Luckily, she meets Molly the mole. While she can’t see very well, Molly has an excellent sense of smell and a knack for making tomatoes. Through underground tunnels, stairs, and plant pots, Pimpa slowly inches her way back home. A cosy and wintery tale, ´Pimpa and...
Engels | 8 minuten (5,8 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No... it's a horse! Lying on the grass in the mountains, Pimpa and Armando look at the shapes of the clouds in the blue sky. The sun is shining high in the sky, and a white horse appears in the clouds. Together, the friends fly far away to a deserted island. But did it really happen, or did Armando dream it all? ´Pimpa and the Flying Horse´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure! Pimpa...
Engels | 8 minuten (5,7 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Did someone say double trouble? Pimpa meets another Pimpa in the bathroom mirror. As the two get to know each other, they realise that they are quite different - they don’t like any of the same games, food or sports! The only thing that the two Pimpas have in common is their love of drawing on the walls of Armando’s house. But Armando isn’t so keen... ´Pimpa and the Other Pimpa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!...
Engels | 6 minuten (4,6 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Grab your nearest life jacket and prepare yourself for another fun adventure filled with friends, canoes, and silly animals! When Pimpa is suddenly awoken by a toucan called Zizi, who has accidentally travelled all the way from the Amazon rainforest, she decides to help him return home. With some help from Wanda the wave, Pimpa manages to take Zizi back to the rainforest. Here, she meets a bunch of unusual animals with even more unusual names. ´Pimpa Goes to the Rainforest´ is perfect for early...
Engels | 9 minuten (7,2 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Prepare yourself for yet another Pimpa-adventure! This time, the friendly, red-spotted dog travels abroad and meets a bunch of new friends along the way. Pimpa stumbles upon Jian-Jin, a Pekinese dog, who invites her to visit China on board a flying junk. When she arrives, she is met by Baobao, a friendly panda who takes her on an adventure in the land of dragons. Alongside her other new friends, like Tu the rabbit and Ma the horse, Pimpa is introduced to amazing traditions and places. Together,...
Engels | 14 minuten (11 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
When a mother hen’s eggs hatch, something is not what it seems like... there’s a duckling among the chicks! Grab your nearest buddy and join Pimpa on yet another adventure, when she tries to help Andy the duckling find his mum. But it will not be easy, as the ducks have already left for Africa. Luckily, the red-spotted dog finds a kind cloud, who gives Pimpa and her new friend a ride. Thanks to the cloud, Andy the duckling is one step closer to being reunited with his family! A tale with a premise...
Engels | 8 minuten (5,9 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
When did elephants become so hairy? Prepare your time machine and travel back in time with Pimpa in this fun adventure where she makes friends with a mammoth in a painting at the local museum. When the mammoth invites her into his frame, Pimpa takes an exciting journey into prehistory, where she meets Pippa, a little red-spotted dinosaur... A tale filled with friendship and lots of honey, ´Pimpa and Pippa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for a short but thrilling...
Engels | 8 minuten (5,9 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Gids voor als er dingen fout gaan
‘De momenten dat ik het hardst heb gefaald in mijn leven, waren de grootste lessen.’ Milou Deelen 'onmisbare gids voor elke jongere!' - Matthew Syed, auteur van Jij kan dit (echt) Falen doen we allemaal is een gids voor jongeren. Voor wanneer je het even niet meer weet na het maken van een fout en je je afvraagt of het ooit nog goed komt. Voor als het niet volgens plan loopt en je bang bent dat dit alles verpest heeft en de schaamte te groot is. Falen doen we allemaal laat je zien dat fouten...
Nederlands | 144 pagina's (ePub2, 14 MB) | Ambo|Anthos, Amsterdam | 2024
grensoverschrijdend gedrag tijdig herkennen
Carlijn heeft er alles voor over om net zo’n goede voetballer te worden als haar overleden vader. Als ze geblesseerd raakt, biedt haar trainer hulp aan en overschrijdt stap voor stap haar grenzen op een slinkse manier. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
Nederlands | 90 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Uitgeverij Davey Jones Publishing, Prinsenbeek | 2023
De geschiedenis bracht mensen uit alle werelddelen naar Suriname. Nog voor de afschaffing van de slavernij kwamen Chinezen als contractarbeiders naar ons land. Later gingen ze vooral in de handel. De Chinese winkel, sneysi winkri, is heel normaal in ons straatbeeld. Op bepaalde tijden, zoals Oudjaar, treedt het Chinees cultureel erfgoed prominent op de voorgrond. In dit verhaal maken we kennis met A Chung Ko, die in 1956 zijn armoedige dorp in de provincie Guan Dong verliet. Als verstekeling reisde...
Nederlands | 88 pagina's (ePub3, 24 MB) | Publishing Services Suriname, 's-Gravenhage | 2023