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Resultaat 361 - 380 (van 7334)
Parvez Alam Disappearing public spheres
censorship in Bangladesh
'State of Nature' and 'State of exception' have become the only two options for the people of Bangladesh recently, where writers, bloggers and publishers are getting killed by Al-Qaeda affiliates and persecuted by the Government. Empowerment of polarizations such as 'secular' verses 'Islamists' have also empowered the ruling regime and Islamist extremist groups. Severe censorship on all kind of media has suffocated freedom of expression. New public spheres that had emerged in the internet era are...
Engels | 92 pagina's (ePub2, 0,9 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Peter de Haan Censorship alert
censorship in economics
Dutch economist and diplomat Peter de Haan describes the worrying increase of censorship and self-censorship in the world. A rising number of journalists, bloggers, and writers can't any longer write as they please; some flee their home country, others are tortured, incarcerated, or are even killed. This essay depicts what happened during the past decade regarding freedom of expression and censorship in the world and tells the shocking stories of some of its victims. He demonstrates a negative relationship...
Engels | 95 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Sylvana van den Braak A fri wortu
censorship in Surinam
Free speech (Fri Wortu) is not common in Surinam. Sylvana van den Braak shows how, after the military coup in the 1980s, a period began of censorship and dictatorship. Despite democratic elections, the government is still trying, in his own special way, to influence the media. The business community agrees with it. Besides that the small community of Surinam and the relationships pave the way for self-censorship. The truth can only be heard on the street, where the local language Sranan is spoken....
Engels | 68 pagina's (ePub2, 1,7 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Han Peeters The new constitution
according to Osism
After 5,000 years of feudal rule, a new constitution is needed. The helm must be turned around completely if we are to save ourselves from destruction. Every day, people watch the news showing the injustices and feel helpless to change it. Although convinced we are on the wrong track, we question what can be done. Although the elite make up only 1% of the population, they have control, because money is power. The other 99% have compassion for their fellow man, but are not able to do anything about...
Engels | ePub2, 0,2 MB | ClusterEffect, Prinsenbeek | 2017
Rembrandt Koppelaar | Willem Middelkoop The Tesla revolution
why big oil has lost the energy war
Informatie in de vorm van vraag en antwoord over de ingrijpende veranderingen in de energievoorziening en de gevolgen daarvan voor het dagelijks leven.
Engels | 334 pagina's (ePub2, 4,3 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2017
Fréderike Geerdink Bans, jails and shameless lies
censorship in Turkey
Press freedom in Turkey is a hot topic. If a (well known) journalist is detained, prosecuted or sacked in Turkey, the news is covered in full in many Western countries. Nevertheless, many articles and reports reveal only a part of what really happens: they tell the story of the journalist, newspaper or TV broadcaster involved, but not that of the underlying mechanisms. No wonder: these are not easy to explain in a paragraph or two, or in two or three minutes. On the one hand, the lack of press freedom...
Engels | 113 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Jan Postema The effective project board
keeping projects and programmes on target
When projects are complex and there is a lot at stake, there mostly is a kind of Project Board. Sometimes organizations call it a steering committee or a program committee. Managers with different expertise and different intentions are asked to keep the project or program on target. Is the Project Board effective? Sometimes. Is it easy to function as a joined team? No. For most people itis just another meeting in a long row. Do we need to abandon this monster? Certainly not. Just make the Project...
Engels | 112 pagina's (ePub2, 5,3 MB) | PTG Uitgevers, Epe | 2017
Jan Puylaert | Ilia Chidzey Worldwideforest.com
Save the planet! Want to know how? Read this book. Two brothers inherit their ancestors' farmhouse. Surprising discoveries become the basis of the WorldWideForest.com movement. A very inspiring and intriguing story that deals with our present-day climate problem. This international project was developed by the Dutch/Italian designer-author Jan Puylaert and Australian designer-author Ilia Chidzey and includes designs for eco furniture. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 84 pagina's (ePub2, 3,7 MB) | De Vrije Uitgevers, Nijmegen | 2017
Auguste van der Molenschot Tears from Brabant
a novel
This is a novel with many themes. It is about Brabant, a land that is presently half in the Netherlands and the other half in Belgium. It is also the story of a little Brabanter boy, born the year Adolf Hitler came to power. The boy wants a good life and that is not so easy because the Catholic Brabanters are kept down by the Calvinist Hollanders. Many other modern themes come by, such as the Second World War, the emancipation (of women but also of the Catholics), the pill and its effects, secularization,...
Engels | 286 pagina's (PDF, 0,6 MB) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2018
Adri Blonk Love
Love and happiness: few people will not be looking for these things in their life. Sometimes the search takes up a lifetime. Especially where unconditional love and happiness are concerned, it is not an easy quest. People often look for the answer in money, possessions, prestige, power, relationships and the like. They tend to find that while these can contribute to short-term happiness, they are not a permanent solution. People need to look beyond these things to discover where they can find true...
Engels | 244 pagina's (PDF, 0,5 MB) | U2pi BV, Den Haag | 2019
Rutger Koopmans Your life, your rules
taking back control
In 2008 Rutger Koopmans decided to quit his job as a banker. He wanted to pursue new avenues and explore other talents. Over the following decade this decision brought great excitement to his working life, although it was not all plain sailing. However, he was driven by a motto borrowed from Johan Cruyff, the famous Dutch footballer whose business affairs he had managed: I would prefer to go down with my own principles than with someone else's. In Your Life, Your Rules Koopmans shares his experiences...
Engels | 174 pagina's (ePub3, 0,6 MB) | Brandt, Amsterdam | 2019
Husch Josten Hier sind Drachen
Caren is een Londense journaliste, die de opdracht krijgt naar Parijs te gaan om over de aanslagen te schrijven maar op het vliegveld ontmoet zij een filosoof en blijkt dat zij niet kunnen vertrekken vanwege een mogelijke aanslag.
Fictie | Psychologische roman
Duits | 160 pagina's | Berlin Verlag, Berlin | 2017
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Sasha Marianna Salzmann Ausser sich
Van een onafscheidelijke tweeling, geboren in Moskou en in Duitsland terechtgekomen na een vlucht in de jaren negentig voor het antisemitisme in post-Sovjet-Rusland, verdwijnt de jongen spoorloos en als zijn zus een anonieme ansicht uit Istanbul ontvangt, gaat ze naar hem op zoek.
Fictie | Psychologische roman
Duits | 365 pagina's | Suhrkamp, Berlin | 2017
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Isabel Allende Más allá del invierno
Een auto-ongeluk in New York brengt de levens van een Chileense vrouw, een Amerikaanse man en een illegale Gualtemalteekse kinderoppas in een stroomversnelling.
Spaans | 349 pagina's | Plaza & Janés, Barcelona | 2017
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David Morancho | Kris | Bertrand Galic Zeven atleten
zeven sportievelingen nemen de wapens op tijdens de Spaanse burgeroorlog
Fictie | Oorlogsroman | Stripverhaal
Nederlands | 63 pagina's | Silvester, 's-Hertogenbosch | 2021
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Monica Sabolo Summer
Vijfentwintig jaar na dato gaat Benjamin op zoek naar de waarheid achter de verdwijning van zijn oudere zus Summer.
Fictie | Psychologische roman
Frans | 282 pagina's | JC Lattès, [Parijs] | 2018
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Maurits Falkenreck Dutch decay
an entrepreneurial answer to the decline of the Dutch welfare state
In this book, Maurits v. Falkenreck describes the decay of the Dutch welfare state, and also presents his innovative projects to counter this decay. During his years as an innovator and entrepreneur, he discovered the failing innovation system and culture in which he was operating. This resulted in a sharp and refined analysis of what he calls 'The Political Ecosystem'. Based on this model and the philosophical concept of 'Model-Platonism', Falkenreck has created a thorough system analysis of Western...
Engels | 323 pagina's (PDF, 36 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Jessica A. Verhagen Forgotten children
chronicle about a transport of children for food from west to east in the Netherlands during the Second World War March 19 – June 23 1945
Engels | 176 pagina's (PDF, 18 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Simon Toyne The boy who saw
De moord op een oude Franse kleermaker is het startsein voor een spannende achtervolging en de ontrafeling van een duister geheim uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog, waarbij Solomon Creed zijn eigen motief heeft voor zijn zoektocht naar de waarheid.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 535 pagina's | HarperCollinsPublishers, London | 2018
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Dalilla Hermans Brief aan Cooper en de wereld
Autobiografie van een uit Rwanda geadopteerde vrouw die opgroeide in een Vlaams dorp en daar o.a. met (alledaags) racisme te maken kreeg.
Nederlands | 183 pagina's | Manteau, Antwerpen | 2017
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