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Resultaat 341 - 360 (van 7177)
Ewout Storm van Leeuwen Blind Timo and the baker's daughter
It is a love story. About a boy, blind, but free as a bird. And about the sweet, headstrong daughter of a stubborn baker. She, too, was free. With a dying girl of wealthy parents, whom they took in their unconditional love and set her free. It happened in a fishing village on the Côte d'Azur, during the summer of 1957. As long as no one interfered with them, everything went well. Has it really happened? Has this love story stood out in the Akasha Chronicles that much that a writer could pick it...
Engels | 188 pagina's (PDF, 0,6 MB) | [Artscience], [Amsterdam] | 2023
Ewout Storm van Leeuwen Temple of Zong? Never heard of.
Indochina, 1951. Tonkin and northern Annam have been liberated by the Vietminh. In the south, the French are fighting a vicious battle to keep the corrupt regime in Saigon in power. We meet him in Nha Trang, an Annamese port town where he debarked from a French ocean liner in search of a monastery that a dream said had to be somewhere in the mountains of Annam. It was not the only reason for his quest: he had inherited a chest with unusual contents a small skeleton. Accompanying the chest was a manuscript...
Engels | 188 pagina's (PDF, 0,8 MB) | [Artscience], [Amsterdam] | 2023
Ewout Storm van Leeuwen When the climate goes feral
coming of age in a tipping world; novel
All the sawmill's forest is lost in devastating fires. After years of drought, a period of torrential rain breaks out. The barren slopes no longer hold water, and a black tidal wave rages through the river valley. Eleven-year-old Mindra and her invalid grandmother are the last inhabitants of a village near the abandoned sawmill, high on the mountainside. She rescues some survivors, who become her new family. The world is tipping and they must make it on their own. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 262 pagina's (PDF, 1 MB) | [Artscience], [Amsterdam] | 2023
Kelly Weekers Happy Life 365
the art of a joyous mindset
Engels | 184 pagina's (ePub2, 2,7 MB) | Moonshot Publishing B.V., Laren | 2023
Bob Roetering Warship 13
Tripartite Minehunter Haarlem
In the eighties, the Royal Netherlands Navy acquired 15 minehunters of the Alkmaar-class. They were deployed worldwide in conflicts (the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Libyan Sea). In all European waters they exercised and cleared historical ordnance. HNLMS Haarlem represents the rich history of the tripartite minehunters of the Royal Netherlands Navy. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 52 pagina's (ePub2, 43 MB) | Lanasta, Amsterdam | 2023
Hamish Williams The southern tide
A First Adventure in Basthinia Tricked into signing a royal contract, Oliver Lamb has precious little time for preparations before he is whisked off to Basthinia; there he must find a way to defend the country of Laubendum against an invasion of Sarcynthians, a southern tide flooding northwards and devouring everything in its path. Oliver and his schoolfriends Sage and Peregrin must navigate their way through squabbling senators, secretive monks, and cumbersome bureaucrats in the capital city, Nova...
Engels | 311 pagina's (PDF, 6,5 MB) | De Wereld Leest, [Beverwijk] | 2023
Jantinus Mulder | H. Visser Dutch Leander frigate Van Speijk
The Van Speijk class frigates were equipped with Dutch electronics/sensors. The British Leander design was chosen to enable rapid construction to replace elderly escorts for ASW duties and NATO patrol. The ships were thoroughly modernised in the late 1970s. Between 1986-1990 all six were transferred to the Indonesian Navy. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 72 pagina's (ePub2, 55 MB) | Lanasta, Amsterdam | 2023
Sam Bettens All I am
After the release of their hit song 'Not an addict' in 1996, the Belgian band K' Choice started a wild ride along some of the world's biggest festivals. Being an unconventional band right from the start, they forged their own path in the music industry with Sam Bettens as their rebellious leader. But how much space for your true identity is there when you're standing in front of thousands of people? Sam Bettens has spent his entire life searching for who he is and how he was shaped that way. Is he...
Engels | 83 pagina's (ePub2, 2,9 MB) | Das Mag Publishers, Amsterdam | 2023
Rudy Moenaert | Henry Robben The customer leader
A Leadership Guide to Build Great Business through the Choices Customers Make
The Customer Leader makes your favorite management books obsolete. You can start emptying and rearranging your bookcase and make room for the Customer Leader. The Customer Leader is an action-packed, no-nonsense page-turner. It helps you to define value, analyze the arena you are competing in, develop a winning value proposition, and build a customer-driven organization. The Customer Leader is about leadership, customers, and creating great business. It addresses the most important question every...
Engels | 208 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | S2 Uitgevers, Baarn | 2023
Jeremy Denisty | Dado Van Peteghem The Virtual Economy
A guide for leaders to thrive in the 3rd age of the Internet
There is a new generation waiting on our doorsteps, flourishing in virtual worlds and virtual communities. They think and act differently, from leisure over work and everything in between. The third wave of the Internet is unfolding in front of our eyes, but what is it about and which opportunities will the emerging virtual economy create for businesses, governments & society at large? How do you win in a world enabled by blockchains, immersive virtual environments and ubiquitous AI platforms? This...
Engels | 288 pagina's (ePub2, 9,4 MB) | Pelckmans uitgevers, Kalmthout | 2023
A.C. Baantjer DeKok and Variations on Murder
As has been her habit since the death of her husband, Mrs. Van Haesbergen does nightly rounds in the large office building where she resides. Her husband had been the building superintendent, and an apartment on the top floor came with the job. One night she encounters the managing director in the boardroom, sitting in his chair at the head of the table. She hastily walks up to him, and to her horror, she finds him dead. She rushes up to her apartment to call someone, but who? Deciding it better...
Engels | ePub2, 5,8 MB | De Fontein, Utrecht | 2023
Hélène van Beek | Martijn van Rheenen Wards of State
Youth care under lock and key in the Netherlands
Wards of State: In the Netherlands, minors who have been placed under state supervision or have been removed from their home environment at the order of Youth Care are what we call wards of state. Youth care in the Netherlands is a market that is driven by perverse incentives, as this book makes clear. A market where expansion and money take precedence over the welfare of young people. A world in which truth and the best possible care are not of paramount importance. The research concerns the...
Engels | 248 pagina's (ePub2, 3,9 MB) | Nobel Boeken, Baarn | 2023
Emily McIntire Twisted
a never after novel
Yasmin is de enige erfgename van een diamantbedrijf als ze een man was geweest. De laatste wens van haar vader is dat ze trouwt met iemand die de zaak kan overnemen.
Fictie | Erotische verhalen | Romantische verhalen
Engels | 435 pagina's | Bloom Books, Naperville, Illinois | 2023
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C. van Putten | H. Verploegh Examenbundel vwo Engels
Nederlands | Engels | 319 pagina's | ThiemeMeulenhoff, Amersfoort | 2023
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Gaite Jansen Ode aan de Onstilbare
Gedichten met herinneringen en beelden van herkenning.
Nederlands | Engels | 143 pagina's (ePub3, 2,5 MB) | Hollands Diep, Amsterdam | 2023
Mick Herron The secret hours
Een comité dat de geheime dienst onderzoekt, ondervindt tegenwerking van hogerhand.
Fictie | Spionageroman | Thriller
Engels | 391 pagina's | Baskerville, London | 2024
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Eric Carle The very hungry caterpillar
Een rupsje eet zich vol tot het een vlinder wordt. In de bladzijden met achtereenvolgens 1 appel, 2 peren, 3 pruimen enz. zitten op de plaatsen waar de rups doorheen heeft gegeten gaatjes in het papier. Vanaf ca. 3 jaar.
Engels | Arabisch | 24 pagina's | Mantra Lingua, London | 2019
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Camilla Reid | Ingela P. Arrhenius Peekaboo car
Hardkartonnen prentenboek over auto's met veel draai, schuif en trekelementen. Vanaf ca. 1 jaar.
Fictie | Boekstart
Engels | 10 pagina's | Nosy Crow, London | 2023
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Laura Shepperson The heroines
Prinses Phaedra wordt op zestienjarige leeftijd als bruid meegenomen door prins Theseus van Athene.
Fictie | Historische roman
Engels | 338 pagina's | Sphere, London | 2023
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Yolanda Köhnen Bang!
Vijf vissenvrienden hebben het erg gezellig met elkaar. Ze doen veel dingen samen: eten, dansen en muziek maken. Maar als plots drie nieuwe vissen verschijnen die er een beetje eng uitzien, voelen ze zich niet meer veilig. Ze bedenken een list! Maar was dat wel zo'n goed idee? Prentenboek met kleurige illustraties. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Nederlands | Engels | Spaans | 31 pagina's | vzw Herkes, [Zoersel] | 2024
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