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Resultaat 341 - 343 (van 343)
Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies Co-creation in migration studies
the use of co-creative methods to study migrant integration across European societies
Co-creative methods are increasingly used to understand and facilitate integration processes of migrants in immigrant societies. This volume aims to contribute to the debates on the ways in which co-creative methods may advance migrant integration. More specifically, the contributions investigate how co-creative research strategies can provide insights into how integration processes into various domains of immigrant society (e.g. language learning, housing, employment) are shaped, and how they can...
Engels | PDF, 11 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Wanted
Human-AI Translators e-book; Artificial Intelligence Demystified
Anyone who thinks artificial intelligence (AI) doesn’t really concern us yet is wrong. AI is no longer a matter for futuristic science fiction films or hip technology fairs. It is now everywhere in your life. That personalised advertising folder from the supermarket with offers “especially for you”? AI. The songs suggested for you on Spotify? AI. The self-regulating traffic lights on the corner of your street? AI. It is undeniable that AI is entering our lives at a dizzying speed. It is now part...
Engels | 216 pagina's (ePub2, 2,6 MB) | Pelckmans, Edegem | 2021
Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Homme versus machine
L’intelligence artificielle démystifiée
Ceux qui pensent que l’intelligence artificielle (IA) est très éloignée de leur réalité se trompent. L’IA n’est pas réservée aux films de science-fiction futuristes ou aux salons technologiques branchés. L’IA est partout, y compris dans votre vie. Le folder publicitaire personnalisé du supermarché avec des offres « rien que pour vous » ? IA. Les chansons proposées sur Spotify ? IA. Les feux de signalisation à réglage automatique au coin de la rue ? IA. On ne peut le nier. L’intelligence...
Frans | 240 pagina's (ePub2, 7,2 MB) | Pelckmans, Edegem | 2021