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Tishani Doshi The pleasure seekers
Als een 19-jarige Indiase jongeman in Engeland werkervaring komt opdoen, wordt hij verliefd op een Welsh meisje en weigert de verloofde die zijn ouders voor hem hebben gekozen.
Fictie | Familieroman
Engels | 320 pagina's (ePub, 0,8 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Joyce Dennys Henrietta sees it through
"The war is now in its third year and although nothing can dent the unwavering patriotism of Henrietta and her friends, everyone in the Devonshire village has their anxious moments. Henrietta takes up weeding and plays the triangle in the local orchestra to take her mind off things; the indomitable Lady B, now in her late seventies, partakes in endless fund-raising events to distract herself from thoughts of life without elastic; and Faith, the village flirt, finds herself amongst the charming company...
Engels | 208 pagina's (2,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Liz Jensen The ninth life of Louis Drax
"Nine-year-old Louis Drax is a problem child: bright, precocious, deceitful, and dangerously, disturbingly, accident prone. When he falls off a cliff into a ravine, the accident seems almost predestined. Louis miraculously survives - but the family has been shattered. Louis' father has vanished, his mother is paralysed by shock, and Louis lies in a deep coma from which he may never emerge. In a clinic in Provence, Dr Pascal Dannachet tries to coax Louis back to consciousness. But the boy defies medical...
Engels | 240 pagina's (1,2 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Ian Beck Pastworld
"Figure stopped play-acting and really started killing people?For Caleb, a tourist from the present day, his visit goes terribly wrong when his father is kidnapped and he finds himself accused of murder. Then Caleb meets Eve, a Pastworld inhabitant who has no idea the modern world exists. Both Caleb and Eve have roles to play in the murderer's diabolical plans - roles that reveal disturbing truths about their origins."
Engels | 368 pagina's (0,9 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Erik M. Conway | Naomi Oreskes Merchants of doubt
"The U.S. scientific community has long led the world in research on such areas as public health, environmental science, and issues affecting quality of life. These scientists have produced landmark studies on the dangers of DDT, tobacco smoke, acid rain, and global warming. But at the same time, a small yet potent subset of this community leads the world in vehement denial of these dangers.Merchants of Doubt tells the story of how a loose-knit group of high-level scientists and scientific advisers,...
Engels | 368 pagina's (2,4 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Philip Dwyer Citizen emperor
"Napoleon's legend is so persistent that it confounds the historical reality in the popular imagination. He himself contributed much towards the construction of his own myth, from his youth even until after he fell from power, when, while in exile, he dictated his memoirs to a group of disciples who took down his every word in the hope that his version of history would prevail. Such were Napoleon's skills as a chronicler that much of the legend is still unquestioningly accepted...'This second volume...
Engels | 816 pagina's (3,5 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Manage teams successfully
"Managing just one person can be difficult enough, but pulling together a team of people can be tricky even for experienced leaders. This book helps you create an effective team that can really get things done. It helps you form a good team in the first place, deal with tensions that may arise, communicate well, and motivate team members towards your overall goal.Most of us have to work with other people for some or most of our day. If you're a project manager in particular, you'll need to be able...
Engels | 96 pagina's (0,2 MB) | A&C Black Business Information and Development, [London] | 2014
Tomas Eloy Martinez Purgatory
"Purgatorio is Martínez's most moving, most autobiographical novel and yet it is also a ghost story, the ghost story which has been Argentina's history since 1973. It begins, `Simón Cardoso had been dead for thirty years when Emilia Dupuy, his wife, found him at lunchtime in the dining room of Trudy Tuesday.' Simón, a cartographer like Emilia, had vanished during one of their trips to map an uncharted country road. Later testimonies had confirmed that he had been one of the thousands of victims...
Engels | 288 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Tim Adler Hollywood and the Mob
"From its earliest days, the Mafia has sought to make a fast buck from the American film industry. Stories of intimidation, threats and violence mingle with those of glamour and excess. In this stunning story of infamy and ballsy enterprise, Tim Adler tells the secret history of Al Capone, Sam Giancana and John Gotti's attempts to infiltrate the studio lots. However, although they have controlled the moguls and the money, the Mob learned how to be cool from classic films like The Godfather and characters...
Engels | 288 pagina's (ePub, 4,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Temple Grandin Thinking in pictures
"The idea that some people think differently, though no less humanly, is explored in this inspiring book. Temple Grandin is a gifted and successful animal scientist, and she is autistic. Here she tells us what it was like to grow up perceiving the world in an entirely concrete and visual way - somewhat akin to how animals think, she believes - and how it feels now. Through her finely observed understanding of the workings of her mind she gives us an invaluable insight into autism and its challenges."
Engels | 2,6 MB | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Oliver James They f*** you up
"Do your relationships tend to follow the same destructive pattern? Do you feel trapped by your family's expectations of you? Does your life seem overwhelmingly governed by jealousy or competitiveness or lack of confidence? In this ground-breaking book, clinical psychologist Oliver James shows that it is the way we were cared for in the first six years of life that has a crucial effect on who we are and how we behave. Nurture, in effect, shapes our very nature. James combines the latest scientific...
Engels | 384 pagina's (2,3 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
A. Alvarez Pondlife
"Heres the paradox: your body becomes steadily more troublesome just at that point when the world, which you are soon to leave, becomes sweeter, more poignant, more beautiful, more desirableThe ponds of Hampstead Heath are small oases; fragments of wild nature nestled in the heart of north-west London. For the best part of his life Al Alvarez poet, critic, novelist, rock-climber and poker player has swum in them almost daily. An athlete in his youth, Alvarez, now in his eighties, chronicles what...
Engels | 288 pagina's (0,3 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Jeff Kinney The Long Haul - Diary of a Wimpy Kid #9
A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, youre theA Heffleys.A The journey starts off full of promise,A then quickly takes several wrong turns.A Gas station bathrooms, crazed seagulls, a fender bender, and a runaway pigaâ'¬"not exactly Greg Heffleys idea of a good time.A But even the worst road trip can turn into an adventureaâ'¬"and this is one the HeffleysA wont soon forget. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 224 pagina's (ePub3, 26 MB) | ABRAMS, [Nederland] | 2014
Jimmy Burns Barça
"Founded in 1898, FC Barcelona or Barça, is the world's biggest and best-loved football club. Barça has more than 500 local fan clubs spread across the world, while its championship matches attract a global TV audience. Former players include such legendary figures as Kubala, Maradona, Cruyff, Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Lineker, and Barça has been managed by greats such as Helenio Herrera, Cesar Menotti and Bobby Robson. The club's honorary members include Pope John Paul II and opera star José Carreras....
Engels | 384 pagina's (4,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Elen Caldecott How Ali Ferguson saved Houdini
"Ali Ferguson has just moved into Lever Tower with his mum. It's not long before he meets Caitlin and the Alsatian dog she looks after, Falcon, who doesn't take too kindly to being walked on a lead. Caitlin introduces Ali to her best friend, Gez, and together the three set out to discover, firstly, why the foxes have disappeared from the area, secondly, why the owls have appeared and, thirdly, why Miss Osborne has, it seems, vanished... And how exactly her disappearance is related to the previous...
Engels | 224 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Elen Caldecott How Kirsty Jenkins stole the elephant
"Kirsty Jenkins adores the allotment her grandfather lovingly tends and, just before he dies, he asks Kirsty to look after it for him. But when horrible Mr Thomas from the council insists it must go to the next person on the waiting list, Kirsty is determined to find a way to keep her promise.After pleading with Mr Thomas and demonstrating at the council offices, Kirsty and her half-siblings undertake their most daring plan of all: to `borrow' the stuffed elephant from the museum that Mr Thomas loves...
Engels | 272 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Philip Reeve Larklight
"Arthur (Art) Mumby and his irritating sister Myrtle live with their father in the huge and rambling house, Larklight, travelling through space on a remote orbit far beyond the Moon. One ordinary sort of morning they receive a correspondence informing them that a gentleman is on his way to visit, a Mr Webster. Visitors to Larklight are rare if not unique, and a frenzy of preparation ensues. But it is entirely the wrong sort of preparation, as they discover when their guest arrives, and a Dreadful...
Engels | 416 pagina's (10 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Isabel Losada The Battersea Park road to enlightenment
"`You know those people who always radiate cheerful optimism? Nauseating aren't they? I want to become one of those. I want to find out how to live life completely, abundantly, joyfully, stupidly. This is my quest. Enlightenment.' So proclaims Isabel Losada, Starbucks addict, exercise allergic and self-confessed sceptic as she sets out on the road to enlightenment. Beginning with an Insight seminar where hundred people with name badges discuss their `inner beauty', Isabel journeyed through a gruelling...
Engels | 256 pagina's (2,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Frederick Taylor Exorcising Hitler
"Not since the end of the Roman Empire, almost fifteen hundred years earlier, is there a parallel, in Europe at least, to the fall of the German nation in 1945. Industrious and inventive, home over centuries to a disproportionate number of western civilization's greatest thinkers, writers, scientists and musicians, Germany had entered the twentieth century united, prosperous, and strong, admired by almost all humanity for its remarkable achievements. During the 1930s, embittered by one lost war and...
Engels | 480 pagina's (2,5 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Leo Hollis Cities are good for you
"The 21st century will be the age of the city. Already over 50% of the world population live in urban centres and over the coming decades this percentage will increase. Blending anecdote, fact and first hand encounters - from exploring the slums of Mumbai, to visiting roof-top farms in Brooklyn and attending secret dinner parties in Paris, to riding the bus in Latin America - Leo Hollis reveals that we have misunderstood how cities work for too long. Upending long-held assumptions and challenging...
Engels | 416 pagina's (2 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014