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Resultaat 321 - 340 (van 611)
Manage teams successfully
"Managing just one person can be difficult enough, but pulling together a team of people can be tricky even for experienced leaders. This book helps you create an effective team that can really get things done. It helps you form a good team in the first place, deal with tensions that may arise, communicate well, and motivate team members towards your overall goal.Most of us have to work with other people for some or most of our day. If you're a project manager in particular, you'll need to be able...
Engels | 96 pagina's (0,2 MB) | A&C Black Business Information and Development, [London] | 2014
Erik M. Conway | Naomi Oreskes Merchants of doubt
"The U.S. scientific community has long led the world in research on such areas as public health, environmental science, and issues affecting quality of life. These scientists have produced landmark studies on the dangers of DDT, tobacco smoke, acid rain, and global warming. But at the same time, a small yet potent subset of this community leads the world in vehement denial of these dangers.Merchants of Doubt tells the story of how a loose-knit group of high-level scientists and scientific advisers,...
Engels | 368 pagina's (2,4 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Christine Sneed Little known facts
"Life as one of Hollywood's most handsome, charismatic and critically-acclaimed movie stars seems like a glitzy fairytale to the people who orbit around Renn Ivins. But for his grown children, Anna and Will, their father's fame threatens to permeate every aspect of their lives. For Anna - a diligent medical student with a promising future ahead of her but not so promising romantic prospects - the exploits of her celebrity father are a source of embarrassment and, at best, bemusement. Her brother...
Engels | 304 pagina's (2,1 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Kate Summerscale The suspicions of Mr Whicher
"It is a summer's night in 1860. In an elegant detached Georgian house in the village of Road, Wiltshire, all is quiet. Behind shuttered windows the Kent family lies sound asleep. At some point after midnight a dog barks.The family wakes the next morning to a horrific discovery: an unimaginably gruesome murder has taken place in their home. The household reverberates with shock, not least because the guilty party is surely still among them. Jack Whicher of Scotland Yard, the most celebrated detective...
Engels | 400 pagina's (4,4 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Leo van der Aalst How I paid for college
"It's 1983, and in a sleepy community in New Jersey seventeen-year-old Edward Zanni is Peter Panning his way through a carefree summer of magic and mischief. However, the fun comes to a halt when his father refuses to pay for Edward to study acting at Julliard.Edward's truly in a bind. He's ineligible for scholarships because his father earns too much. And, in a sure sign that he's destined for a life in the arts, Edward's incapable of holding down a job. So he turns to his loyal (but immoral) friends...
Engels | 288 pagina's (1,5 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Balance your life and work
"If you feel overwhelmed by the constant juggling of different areasof your life, this book can help. There's so much pressure on manypeople today to succeed at work that sometimes 'real life' tends totake a backseat. Your relationships with friends, family, partner, andchildren can all suffer as you try to cram everything into a normal day.Balance Your Life and Work contains a quiz, step-by-stepguidance and action points, top tips to bear in mind for the future,common mistakes and advice on how...
Engels | 96 pagina's (0,2 MB) | A&C Black Business Information and Development, [London] | 2014
Sultan bin Muhammad al- Qasimi My early life
"With insight the dramatic palace coups in his own country and the neighbouring emirate of Ras al-Khaimah and the struggles for power during the formation of the United Arab Emirates. Revealing fascinating and untold parts of"
Engels | 320 pagina's (2,2 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Maureen Freely Under the Vulcania
De echtgenote van een Engelse specialist, die haar teveel in de watten legt na een ziekte, brengt een ochtend door in een relax-instituut waar mooie mannen op velerlei wijzen zich vervelende vrouwen verwennen.
Fictie | Erotische verhalen
Engels | 144 pagina's (ePub, 2,3 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Tomas Eloy Martinez Purgatory
"Purgatorio is Martínez's most moving, most autobiographical novel and yet it is also a ghost story, the ghost story which has been Argentina's history since 1973. It begins, `Simón Cardoso had been dead for thirty years when Emilia Dupuy, his wife, found him at lunchtime in the dining room of Trudy Tuesday.' Simón, a cartographer like Emilia, had vanished during one of their trips to map an uncharted country road. Later testimonies had confirmed that he had been one of the thousands of victims...
Engels | 288 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Liz Jensen The ninth life of Louis Drax
"Nine-year-old Louis Drax is a problem child: bright, precocious, deceitful, and dangerously, disturbingly, accident prone. When he falls off a cliff into a ravine, the accident seems almost predestined. Louis miraculously survives - but the family has been shattered. Louis' father has vanished, his mother is paralysed by shock, and Louis lies in a deep coma from which he may never emerge. In a clinic in Provence, Dr Pascal Dannachet tries to coax Louis back to consciousness. But the boy defies medical...
Engels | 240 pagina's (1,2 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Joyce Dennys Henrietta sees it through
"The war is now in its third year and although nothing can dent the unwavering patriotism of Henrietta and her friends, everyone in the Devonshire village has their anxious moments. Henrietta takes up weeding and plays the triangle in the local orchestra to take her mind off things; the indomitable Lady B, now in her late seventies, partakes in endless fund-raising events to distract herself from thoughts of life without elastic; and Faith, the village flirt, finds herself amongst the charming company...
Engels | 208 pagina's (2,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Amanda Prowse The Ten Pound Ticket
A Short Story - No Greater Love
Australia, 1962: Susie has just arrived on the boat from England. She is clutching a newborn baby, but she has no wedding ring on her left hand. The land is dusty and hot, and the work is hard and tiring. All Susie wants is to go home. But with no money, and no hope, how can she turn her life around? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 64 pagina's (ePub2, 3,2 MB) | Head of Zeus, [Nederland] | 2014
Karen Wallace Spike Carbuncle and the truly enormous egg
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure,The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a noble familywith a difference.Spike Carbuncle is sick of being second in command to his weedybrother. So, when Spike's wife, Fangtrude, comes across a dragon's egg,together they formulate a plan to get rid of Whiff Erik, once and forall. There's just one hitch - dragon training isn't as easy as itsounds. What do you do when your dragon is terrible at breathing fireand prefers...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,6 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Chief Thunderstruck and the big bad bear
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, TheGoose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a noble family witha difference.In the final book of the quartet, a message reaches Goose PimpleBay that Chief Thunderstruck is introuble. He's been trapped in a cave on an ice flow by a fiercepolar bear, who has a nasty glint in his eye when he looks at ChiefThunderstruck's bearskin coat. Together Whiff Erik, Spike Carbuncle andFangtrudesail off to therescue. But it's up to...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,3 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace The honourable Ratts
"The Honourable Ratts are a distinguished family whose ancestorsappeared at a time when witches were commonplace and giants roamed theland. They built their ancestral home, Clawfoot Hall, and they begancollecting the Great Ratt Hoard - that is, any and every item of goldthey could lay their hands on.At the time of this story, the Ratts are diminished in size and statureand now live under the floorboards of Clawfoot Hall. Then one day,everything changes. The ancient enemies of the Ratts have tracked...
Engels | 96 pagina's (3,1 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace King Cudgel's challenge
"Pity King Cudgel! His twin children - Prince Marvin the Meek and Princess Gusty Ox - fight all the time. And ever since his wife, Queen Carrion, disappeared after going out dragon hunting, no one has been able to stop them. As a last resort he devises a challenge for them with the help of Cackle the court magician. If the twins fail, King Cudgel will hand over the kingdom to their soppy cousin, Godric, the Geek - an unbearable thought! King Cudgel's Challenge follows the painful and hilarious process...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,9 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Ma Moosejaw means business
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a ruling family with a difference.Book one introduces the two sons of Chief Thunderstruck and MaMoosejaw, Spike Carbuncle and Whiff Eric. Ma Moosejaw wants to leaveGoose Pimple Bay with her husband and travel north to see a white bear.But both sons are useless. Who willlook after things when they are gone? There's only one thing for it:the sons must each find a bride. Whoever...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Prince Marvin's great moment
"Poor Prince Marvin, the Meek! His twin sister, Princess Gusty Ox may bebuilt like a battle ship but Marvin has always been a bit...physicallyfeeble. It's not surprising his sister bullies him. But, when hisfather King Cudgel's best suits are ruined by mysterious globs of greengloop, things get even worse. It seems that Harry the Hairy Green Gianthas caught a cold and the King orders Prince Marvin to sort him out. IfPrince Marvin can cure the giant and prove himself, his sister won't beable to bully...
Engels | 64 pagina's (5 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Princess Gusty Ox's strange change
"Gusty Ox is not your typical princess. She's more interested in wrestling crocodiles and hunting dragons than in tiaras and princes. That is, until she looks into Crackel's magic mirror and decides things have got to change. But it isn't easy being a proper princess and things only get worse when her rival, Princess Lulu the Luscious, comes to stay. This is the third riotous romp in The Crunchbone Castle Chronicles."
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Whiff Erik and the great green thing
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a ruling familywith a difference.In book two, Whiff Erik, now ruler of Goose Pimple Bay discovers hisbrother, Spike Carbuncle at sea. He's escaped from his wife's islandand he's taken a rare seed with him. Back at home, Whiff Erik plantsthe seed, but it's not long before a gigantic plan blots out the skyand a great green thing appears in the leaves. Oh dear, Whiff Erikknows...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014