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Op de meest speciale avond van het jaar vieren de katten hun grote bal waarop een van hen uitverkoren zal worden om opnieuw te worden geboren, maar het feest wordt ruw verstoord. Verfilming uit 2019 van de musical 'Cats' van Andrew Lloyd Webber uit 1981.
Halle Butler The new me
Een jonge vrouw uit Chicago beschrijft haar nogal lege kantoorbaantjes en leven.
Psychologische roman
Engels | 191 pagina's | penguin books, New York, New York | 2019
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T.M. Logan The holiday
Vier Engelse vriendinnen gaan samen met man en kinderen een week naar de Provence, maar de week start verkeerd als Kate per toeval op het mobieltje van haar man ontdekt dat een van haar vriendinnen zijn minnares is.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 480 pagina's | ZAFFRE, London | 2019
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Julian Barnes The man in the red coat
Engels | 265 pagina's | Jonathan Cape, London | 2019
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Sinéad Moriarty Seven letters
Sarah, moeder van de 7-jarige Izzy en opnieuw zwanger, kampt met ernstige gezondheidsproblemen waardoor haar man Adam en familieleden voor lastige keuzes komen te staan die voor veel spanning zorgen.
Familieroman | Rooms-katholiek milieu
Engels | 431 pagina's | Penguin Ireland, UK | 2019
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Pip Bird The naughtiest unicorn at Christmas
Mira en haar eenhoorn Dave keren voor kerst terug naar de eenhoornschool. Mira wil graag de hoofdrol in het kersttoneelstuk. Maar juffrouw Dazzleflank denkt daar heel anders over. Zal het toch nog een leuke Kerstmis worden? Met veel grappige tekeningen in zwart-wit. Vanaf ca. 7 jaar.
Fictie | Kerstverhaal | Sprookjes
Engels | 144 pagina's | Egmont, London | 2019
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Hannah Beckerman If only I could tell you
Een gebeurtenis 30 jaar geleden is uitgegroeid tot een familiegeheim dat Audrey en haar van elkaar vervreemde, volwassen dochters Jess en Lily verbindt en uit elkaar drijft.
Fictie | Familieroman
Engels | 362 pagina's | Orion, London | 2019
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C. Mercer Adam Golden child
Als Peter, de helft van een tweeling vermist wordt, maken de ouders een wrange keuze.
Engels | 252 pagina's | Faber & Faber, London | 2019
Gedrukt boek
Louisa May Alcott Little Women
Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy are four sisters trying to support the family and keep their spirit up while their father is at war. Each one of them has a unique vivid personality which helps them overcome the hardships of poverty. Showing the transition from childhood to womanhood, "Little Women" together with its sequels: "Good Wives", "Little Men", and "Jo's Boys", has been one of the most widely read novels in the world. It has inspired numerous adaptations including a 2019 movie starring Emma Watson...
Engels | 10 uur 12 minuten (445 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2022
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Een jonge Thaise vrouw werkt als verzorgster in een privé-verzorgingshuis voor Europese patiënten met alzheimer. Haar eigen kinderen ziet ze zelden en het contact met hen verloopt moeizaam. Tegelijkertijd wordt een Zwitsers gezin gevolgd dat hun jongdementerende moeder voorbereidt op haar vertrek naar Thailand.
G.M. Berrow | Various Authors My Little Pony
Equestria Girls; Through the Mirror
When her new crown is stolen from the Crystal Empire, Princess Twilight Sparkle pursues the thief, Sunset Shimmer, into an alternate world, where she finds herself turned into...a girl! To regain her crown and return to Equestria, Twilight must learn to fit in this strange new world and defeat Sunset Shummer in a competition to be crowned princess of the Fall Formal at Canterlot High. Luckily, she has the assistance of Spike and five girls who remind her of a certain group of friends back home......
Engels | 2 uur 47 minuten (125 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
A.K. Yearling | Various Authors My Little Pony
Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds
When Daring Do visits her old pal A. B. Ravenhoof, the ex-adventurer reveals that there may be more in the sky than meets the eye.... Somewhere above Equestria floats a cloud city completely hidden from sight by ancient magic. Legend says the hidden kingdom is home to a unique type of Pegasus, along with a mysterious treasure called the Halo of Cirrostrata. As soon as she learns about it, Daring Do can’t get her head out of the clouds! She has to see it. But how? Many dangers await those who try...
Engels | 2 uur 29 minuten (112 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Rasmus Broe Ambience - Fireside
Wind-down to the sounds of nature. The logs in the fireplace are kindling away, and warmth is spreading in the room around you. The grandfather´s clock is ticking away, and the cat is stretching and purring on the floor. You are sitting in a soft armchair, peacefully contemplating the flames´ dance in front of you. Research has shown that natural sounds can have both a relaxing and a stimulating effect on the brain. Saga Sounds is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen...
Engels | 4 uur 30 minuten (196 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Rasmus Broe Ambience - In the Forest
Wind-down to the sounds of nature. The sunshine twirls in the green treetops, which rustle gently in the breeze. Birds twitter and chirp, and in the distance, you hear a peaceful babbling brook. You are in a lush, serene forest; alone with nature´s music. Research has shown that natural sounds can have both a relaxing and stimulating effect on the brain. Saga Sounds is a series of pleasant, varied soundscapes, which you can listen to when winding down, going to sleep or focusing at work. A specially...
Engels | 4 uur 20 minuten (190 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
G.M. Berrow | Various Authors My Little Pony
Beyond Equestria; Pinkie Pie Steps Up
Pinkie Pie and her fellow party pony, Cheese Sandwich, are throwing the biggest party of their lives: a special bash for all the nominees of the upcoming Glammy Awards (Equestria's most prestigious music awards show). When Pinkie busts a move, she catches the eye of Songbird Serenade, the most famous pop star around. Pinkie's moves are so impressive she earns herself a spot as Songbird's backup dancer! But when things start to go missing during rehearsals, it's up to Ponyville's favorite permanently...
Engels | 2 uur 10 minuten (98 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Kirk Kjeldsen The Depths
After trailing spouse Marah Lenaerts suffers her third miscarriage in as many years, her husband Eden surprises her with a vacation to Malaysia, hoping it will lift her spirits. And it does, as they enjoy trading the bustle of their Shanghai life behind for the idyllic tropical paradise. But while on a diving excursion, they’re taken hostage by a group of terrorists, who take them to a remote island and hold them there for ransom. The longer that time drags on, though, the more doubts Marah begins...
Engels | 5 uur (228 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel Blitzfreeze
Porta struggles to keep the heavy tank between the marching soldiers. One moment of inattention, and he will bulldoze an entire company. An enormous fireball strikes the bushes in front of the vehicle. The panzer soldiers jump head first from the tanks for cover. With frightened eyes and beating hearts they lay in the sun, waiting for death. A great wall of fire rises towards the sky. - Stalin organ, Heide mumbles terrified. Porta speeds up the engine. The tank plows through sun and water. They are...
Engels | 10 uur 29 minuten (562 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel Liquidate Paris
Tiny lands on the tailgate of the tank. It is suicide. He empties the machine gun into the tank. Quickly, he jumps down and powerfully throws a hand grenade through the open hatch. The heavy tank rotates wildly, crushes some Brits under its crawler tracks before it crashes over the hillside. There, it explodes into an inferno of fire. The German panzer soldiers attack with flame-throwers and phosphorus grenades. They take no prisoners. The survivors are mercilessly liquidated. "EXCEEDS ITS PREDECESSORS...
Engels | 9 uur 53 minuten (501 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel Reign of Hell
Rumor has it; they are being moved to Warsaw. Heide, who is always informed, claims that all hell is loose over there. There is talk of a German pullback from the eastern frontline. Thousands of British paratroops have landed and Polish soldiers converge on from the woods. But the Polish army is already doomed. Not only by the Reichsführer Himmler in Berlin, but also by Marshal Stalin. The Polish nationalists vainly beg the Red Army for help. But it has already been decided that the Polish communists...
Engels | 8 uur 50 minuten (455 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel SS General
It is freezing 38 degrees. Stalingrad, the winter of 1942-1943. A chilling wind sweeps over the plains, slinging ice crystals into our faces. We are marching past thousands of frozen bodies. The SS-general is marching in front of the convoy, silently and withdrawn. He is angry. We realized that a while back. A fanatic who wishes to die in battle. And the SS-general wants to take as many to die with him as possible. "MOVING STUDY IN THE STALINGRAD CAMPAIGN... POWERFUL, MERCILESS PORTRAYAL OF THE...
Engels | 10 uur 50 minuten (523 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)