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Resultaat 241 - 246 (van 246)
Willem Lammers Ontdek Logosynthese
De kracht van woorden bij heelwording en ontwikkeling
ONTDEK LOGOSYNTHESE® DE KRACHT VAN WOORDEN BIJ HEELWORDING EN ONTWIKKELING. Logosynthese is een verrassend, nieuw instrument voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling, coaching en psychotherapie. Logosynthese werkt met de scheppende kracht van woorden, die energie in beweging brengt. Door terug te nemen wat je bent kwijtgeraakt en los te laten wat niet van jou is, kom je weer in contact met je essentie. Iedereen kan Logosynthese gebruiken ten behoeve van zelfcoaching, of op professioneel gebied bij coaching,...
Nederlands | 130 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | EigenZinnig, Prinsenbeek | 2023
Claudia Hammond De kracht van vriendelijkheid
hoe je aardiger wordt voor jezelf, anderen en de wereld
Beschouwing over de kracht van vriendelijkheid, met zeven praktische lessen over de voordelen van vriendelijkheid op individueel en maatschappelijk vlak op basis van recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek.
Nederlands | 216 pagina's (ePub2, 0,8 MB) | Ten Have, Utrecht | 2023
Martine Delfos Kun je vrijen leren?
over seks, vrijen en liefde voor jong en oud
Seksuele voorlichting voor een prettig en empathisch liefdesleven. Met illustraties in sepiatinten.
Nederlands | 40 pagina's (ePub2, 3,6 MB) | Niño, Amsterdam | 2021
Sidney Raven Bruises
Legal advisor Zilla Jongzeel grapples with submissive desires while navigating the pressures of her feminist mother and her marriage to actor Paul Arend. A secret lover fulfills her fantasies, until scandal strikes: photos of her bruises implicate Paul, leading to media backlash. Forced to defend themselves on a talk show, Zilla's world unravels, confronting betrayal and harsh consequences. In a gripping tale of love and self-acceptance, Zilla fights to salvage her fractured relationships amidst...
Engels | 232 pagina's (ePub2, 1,1 MB) | Ellessy, Prinsenbeek | 2024
Evert Heintz Flow for life
Discover your unprecedented capabilities with the pyramid of insight
"Suddenly the ground disappeared from under my feet and I fell into the abyss. During my 15 meter fall I landed on a snow bridge which saved my life as the crevasse was at least fifty meters deep." As a person you can do much more than you think! In this fascinating book you will learn to discover your unprecedented capabilities and thus increase the flow and energy in your own life. After a near-death experience, author and mountaineer Evert Heintz learned to look differently at his energy. He developed...
Engels | 268 pagina's (ePub2, 12 MB) | Heintz, Heemskerk | 2024
Els van Steijn The fountain, celebrate your life
Understand the art of fully embracing your life
Every human being has something individual and unique to offer themselves and the rest of the world. The moment you stand in your rightful place in the fountain, you feel a surge of energy in your body in the form of fulfillment, enthusiasm, and joy. You perceive that you are embedded in something greater than yourself and feel supported by it. This force directs and guides you in a way that can hardly be articulated, but which can be perceived when you listen to the signals your body receives. This...
Engels | 316 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Het Noorderlicht, Nijmegen | 2024