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Resultaat 221 - 240 (van 9752)
Mark McKinney Postcolonialism and migration in French comics
Postcolonialism and migration are major themes in contemporary French comics and have roots in the Algerian War (1954-62), antiracist struggle, and mass migration to France. This volume studies comics from the end of the formal dismantling of French colonial empire in 1962 up to the present. French cartoonists of ethnic-minority and immigrant heritage are a major focus, including Zeina Abirached (Lebanon), Yvan Alagbé (Benin), Baru (Italy), Enki Bilal (former Yugoslavia), Farid Boudjellal (Algeria...
Engels | PDF, 13 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Orpheus Institute Sound work
composition as critical technical practice
The practices and perception of music creation have evolved with the cultural, social and technological contexts of music and musicians. But musical authorship, in its many technical and aesthetic modes, remains an important component of music culture. Musicians are increasingly called on to share their experience in writing. However, cultural imperatives to account for composition as knowledge production and to make claims for its uniqueness inhibit the development of discourse in both expert and...
Engels | 376 pagina's (PDF, 23 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Lepanto and beyond
images of religious alterity from Genoa and the Christian Mediterranean
The Battle of Lepanto, celebrated as the greatest triumph of Christianity over its Ottoman enemy, was soon transformed into a powerful myth through a vast media campaign. The varied storytelling and the many visual representations that contributed to shape the perception of the battle in Christian Europe are the focus of this book. In broader terms, Lepanto and Beyond also sheds light on the construction of religious alterity in the early modern Mediterranean. It presents cross-disciplinary case...
Engels | PDF, 56 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Summa
(Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LX-LXII
Articles 56-59 of Henry of Ghent's Summa is devoted to the trinitarian properties. Henry was the most important Christian theological thinker in the last quarter of the 13th century and his works were influential not only in his lifetime, but also in the following century and into the Renaissance. Henry's Quaestiones ordinariae (Summa), articles 56-59 deal with the trinitarian properties and relations, topics of Henry's lectures at the university in Paris. In these articles, dated around 1286, Henry...
Engels | PDF, 9,5 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Missionary education
historical approaches and global perspectives
Missionaries have been subject to academic and societal debate. Some scholars highlight their contribution to the spread of modernity and development among local societies, whereas others question their motives and emphasise their inseparable connection with colonialism. In this volume, fifteen authors - from both Europe and the Global South - address these often polemical positions by focusing on education, one of the most prominent fields in which missionaries have been active. They elaborate on...
Engels | PDF, 23 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Political exile in the global twentieth century
Catholic Christian democrats in Europe and the Americas
This book focuses on the political exile of Catholic Christian Democrats during the global twentieth century, from the end of the First World War to the end of the Cold War. Transcending the common national approach, the present volume puts transnational perspectives at center stage and in doing so aspires to be a genuinely global and longitudinal study. Political Exile in the Global Twentieth Century includes chapters on continental European exile in the United Kingdom and North America through...
Engels | 319 pagina's (PDF, 5,8 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
University of Edinburgh The art of being dangerous
exploring women and danger through creative expression
The idea that women are dangerous - individually or collectively - runs throughout history and across cultures. Behind this label lies a significant set of questions about the dynamics, conflicts, identities and power relations with which women live today. The Art of Being Dangerous offers many different images of women, some humorous, some challenging, some well-known, some forgotten, but all unique. In a dazzling variety of creative forms, artists and writers of diverse identities explore what...
Engels | 253 pagina's (PDF) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
the commentary tradition on Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae from the 15th to the 17th centuries
Thomas Aquinas' Summa theologiae is one of the classics in the history of theology and philosophy. Beyond its influence in the Middle Ages, its importance is also borne out by the fact that it became the subject of commentary. During the sixteenth century it was gradually adopted as the official text for the teaching of scholastic theology in most European Catholic universities. As a result, university professors throughout Europe and the colonial Americas started lecturing and producing commentaries...
Engels | PDF, 4,9 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Situatedness and performativity
translation and interpreting practice revisited
Translating and interpreting are unpredictable social practices framed by historical, ethical, and political constraints. Using the concepts of situatedness and performativity as anchors, the authors examine translation practices from the perspectives of identity performance, cultural mediation, historical reframing, and professional training. As such, the chapters focus on enacted events and conditioned practices by exploring production processes and the social, historical, and cultural conditions...
Engels | 209 pagina's (PDF, 4,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Rosa Swann Blossoming of fate collection
an omegaverse mates world romance
Two best friends, one Alpha, one Omega, reunite after having been apart for the first time in their lives, finding out that everything they knew about the other has changed. Are they ready to face their future? Destin The plan was that I would pick my life-long best friend Seb up from the train station, we'd have a week of wild antics as he takes a break from his university work and that life would go back to normal after that. Of course, we all know what happens to plans... Instead, the moment...
Engels | 450 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Easily Distracted Media, [Groningen] | 2021
Harry Woldendorp The transformation of elderly care
the impact of digitalization
The quality of care is largely determined by the quality of the relationship between the client and the care professional. The redesign of the interaction is about striking a good balance between the client perspective and the professional perspective. The core objective is to arrive at an equal positioning in an asymmetrical relation. Large scale use of digitalization and healthcare technology may lead to more individual control, a higher quality of life and a more efficient use of scarce healthcare...
Engels | 208 pagina's (ePub2, 3,5 MB) | Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam | 2021
Lily Mitchell One for the birds
From a deal with the devil to heads in boxes and even a computer that goes on a rampage, One for the birds is a unique collection of short stories that makes you feel a bit uneasy in the end. In One for the birds, Lily Mitchell gives you surrealism, betrayal and some macabre situations in which the main characters find themselves lost or trapped. But that's not all. Here and there a main character learns valuable life lessons a little too late. Besides death and suspense you'll find a good dose of...
Engels | 186 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | Godijn Publishing, Hoorn nh | 2021
Ioannis Papachristou John Philoponus on Physical Place
This book examines the place of physical bodies, a major topic of natural philosophy that has occupied philosophers since antiquity. Aristotle's conceptions of place (topos) and the void (kenon), as expounded in the Physics, were systematically repudiated by John Philoponus (ca. 485-570) in his philosophical commentary on that work. The primary philosophical concern of the present study is the in-depth investigation of the concept of place established by Philoponus, putting forward the claim that...
Engels | PDF, 2,3 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies Co-creation in migration studies
the use of co-creative methods to study migrant integration across European societies
Co-creative methods are increasingly used to understand and facilitate integration processes of migrants in immigrant societies. This volume aims to contribute to the debates on the ways in which co-creative methods may advance migrant integration. More specifically, the contributions investigate how co-creative research strategies can provide insights into how integration processes into various domains of immigrant society (e.g. language learning, housing, employment) are shaped, and how they can...
Engels | PDF, 11 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Gabriella Nugent Colonial legacies
contemporary lens-based art and the democratic republic of Congo
In Colonial Legacies, Gabriella Nugent examines a generation of contemporary artists born or based in the Congo whose lens-based art attends to the afterlives and mutations of Belgian colonialism in postcolonial Congo. Focusing on three artists and one artist collective, Nugent analyses artworks produced by Sammy Baloji, Michèle Magema, Georges Senga and Kongo Astronauts, each of whom offers a different perspective onto this history gleaned from their own experiences. In their photography and video...
Engels | PDF, 51 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Graphic embodiments
perspectives on health and embodiment in graphic narratives
Comics and other graphic narratives powerfully represent embodied experiences that are difficult to express in language. A group of authors from various countries and disciplines explore the unique capacity of graphic narratives to represent human embodiment as well as the relation of human bodies to the worlds they inhabit. Using works from illustrated scientific texts to contemporary comics across national traditions, we discover how the graphic narrative can shed new light on everyday experiences....
Engels | PDF, 26 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Patrick Develtere | Huib Huyse | Jan Van Ongevalle International development cooperation today
a radical shift towards a global paradigm
Over the past 60 years high-income countries have invested over 4000 billion euros in development aid. With varying degrees of success, these investments in low-income countries contributed to tackling structural problems such as access to water, health care, and education. Today, however, international development cooperation is no longer restricted to helping by giving. Instead, it is rather about opportunities, mutual interests, risk taking, and an inclusive societal approach. With the arrival...
Engels | PDF, 5,7 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Heraldic hierarchies
identity, status and state intervention in early modern heraldry
Early modern heraldry was far from a nostalgic remnant from a feudal past. From the Reformation to the French Revolution, aspiring men seized on these signs to position themselves in a changing society, imbuing heraldic tradition with fresh meaning. Whereas post-medieval developments are all too often described in terms of decadence and stifling formality, recent studies rightly stress the dynamic capacity of bearing arms. Heraldic Hierarchies aims to correct former misconceptions. Contributing authors...
Engels | PDF, 10 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Orpheus Institute Machinic assemblages of desire
Deleuze and Artistic Research 3
The concept of assemblage has emerged in recent decades as a central tool for describing, analysing, and transforming dynamic systems in a variety of disciplines. Coined by Deleuze and Guattari in relation to different fields of knowledge, human practices, and nonhuman arrangements, "assemblage" is variously applied today in the arts, philosophy, and human and social sciences, forming links not only between disciplines but also between critical thought and artistic practice. Machinic Assemblages...
Engels | PDF, 27 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
The body as a mirror of the soul
physiognomy from Antiquity to the Renaissance
The idea of the body as a mirror of the soul has fascinated mankind throughout history. Being able to see through an individual, and drawing conclusions on their character solely based on a selection of external features, is the subject of physiognomy, and has a long tradition running well into recent times. However, the pre-modern, especially medieval background of this discipline has remained underexplored. The selected case studies in this volume each contribute to a better understanding of the...
Engels | PDF, 8,7 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021