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Resultaat 221 - 240 (van 420)
Deborah Bee The last thing I remember
Sarah heeft na een geweldadige beroving het locked-in syndroom en reconstrueert langzaam haar verleden en heden. Haar buurmeisje Kelly werpt vanuit haar eigen perspectief meer licht op de voorvallen.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 293 pagina's | twenty7, London | 2016
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A K Benedict Jonathan Dark, or The evidence of ghosts
Een briljante stalker heeft het voorzien op een jonge, blinde vrouw. De politie-inspecteur die jacht op hem maakt, ontdekt dat Londen vol zit met de geesten van overledenen die in staat zijn om informatie door te spelen.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 262 pagina's | Orion Books, London | 2016
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Alwyn Hamilton Rebel of the sands
Amani wil weg uit het woestijndorp Dustwalk. Samen met de mysterieuze Jin trekt ze naar de stad Izman. Een tocht die hen midden in een machtsstrijd brengt, vol gevaar en magie. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Science fiction
Engels | 358 pagina's | Faber & Faber, London | 2016
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Anna Chojnacka Kilimanjaro as medicine
Anna Chojnacka is thirty, married with two young children, and running a thriving company. She's living life to the fullest - until she's diagnosed with MS. While searching for a way to live her life without strong medication, she meets "The Iceman" Wim Hof. To gain strength, she takes his courses, exposing herself to extreme cold. Ultimately, she takes part in a climbing expedition he leads up Mount Kilimanjaro, which not only succeeds, but does so in record time. While she's completing this difficult...
Engels | 99 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | [Uitgever Onmisbaar], [Amsterdam] | 2022
Marie A. Rebelle Flight LU-365
The passengers of Flight LU-365 are all at different points on life's journey through love and lust when fate makes their paths cross and end in the desert of a quiet African country. The young couple, passionate and excited; the elderly pair, proving that love endures; the lesbian couple with their secret ready to share; a group of friends escaping for adventures in lust; the porn star, taking a break from her successful career; the married woman, confused and hurt from an a air; the young student...
Engels | 232 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Fern Britton The postcard
Als Suzie haar halfzus in een klein dorpje in Cornwall bezoekt, ontdekt ze dat Penny aan postnatale depressie lijdt en grijpt ze haar kans om een web van intriges te spinnen.
Psychologische roman
Engels | 406 pagina's | HarperCollinsPublishers, London | 2017
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Grady Hendrix My best friend's exorcism
Na een nachtelijke zwempartij in een meer raakt Abby haar vriendin Gretchen kwijt. Als ze elkaar terugvinden, is Gretchen heel erg veranderd. Ze lijkt wel bezeten. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Engels | 332 pagina's | Quirk Books, Philadelphia | 2017
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Simon Kernick The witness
Als getuige van een moord wordt Jane Kinnaer in een 'safe house' ondergebracht, terwijl de politie onder leiding van inspecteur Ray Mason jacht maakt op de dader in een poging een grote terroristische aanslag te voorkomen.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 375 pagina's | Arrow Books, London | 2016
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P.D. James The mistletoe murder and other stories
Fictie | Detectiveroman | Kerstverhaal | Verhalenbundel
Engels | 136 pagina's | Faber & Faber, London | 2016
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Paola Traverso The musicians of Bremen
Een ezel besluit zijn baasje te verlaten en naar Bremen te gaan, de stad van de muziek. Onderweg sluiten steeds meer dieren zich bij hem aan. Hervertelling van het sprookje De Bremer Stadsmuzikanten in makkelijke zinnen. Met kleurenillustraties, quizvragen en verwerkingsopdrachten. Vanaf ca. 8 jaar.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Engels | 31 pagina's | Black Cat, [Genoa] | 2016
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Sylvia Day One with you
Fictie | Erotische verhalen
Engels | 473 pagina's | Penguin Books, London | 2016
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Els van Steijn The fountain, find your place
control your life through insight into your family system
Do you encounter the same problems in your daily life, time and time again? Do you want to shake off a feeling that you just can't put your finger on? Do you often feel guilty or are you a people pleaser? Are you stuck in an unhealthy relationship or is contact with your parents difficult? How can you learn to deal with this, so you can experience more calmness in your life? Stubborn patterns in your life can often be traced back to your family system, the inseverable connection you have with your...
Engels | ePub2, 1,4 MB | Het Noorderlicht, Avenhorn | 2020
Ariyana Arsala The secret to losing weight
with daily meal plans and a helpful portion indicator
Step by Step program to help you lose weight in a healthy way with daily menus for the whole month. You can vary yourself to make it more enjoyable.
Engels | 129 pagina's (ePub3, 11 MB) | Diëtistenpraktijk Samen Sterk, Vlissingen | 2020
Mirjam Mous No way out
the clock is ticking
Klas 2C gaat op werkweek naar de Ardennen. De busreis is net begonnen, als iedereen een mysterieus bericht op zijn telefoon krijgt. Er blijkt een bom aan boord van de bus te zijn. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 256 pagina's (ePub2, 3 MB) | Van Goor, Houten | 2018
Han Peeters Planet X
English edition
Planet X, a planet that is part of our solar system, circles in an orbit around our Sun and the star Nemesis. The Sun and its sister star are a great distance from each other. The orbital period of Planet X is 3600 years. One of the last times it passed our planet, it caused a worldwide flood as described in the Old Testament, where it is called Wormwood. Every culture in ancient times had another name for it. Regardless of what it is called, the planet is an instigator of evil as told in The Revelation...
Engels | 158 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | ClusterEffect, Prinsenbeek | 2018
Marga Vogel | Michelle Princenthal The marbles and the crown
Jewish wisdom in a fairy tale
Wise Tree sends Ruben and Rivka on a journey to search for a very special bottle and fill it with 10 unique marbles discovered along the way. These marbles are each collected on several small islands. The children are able to reach each of the islands by crossing a bridge, but only after they have spoken to the looking glass (their inner selves). Throughout their journey they are interrupted, misguided and challenged by Rara Rattlesnake (the evil inclination), who continuously is trying to lead them...
Engels | ePub2, 1 MB | De Vrije Uitgevers, Amsterdam | 2018
E. Zürcher Three months in Mao's China
between the great leap forward and the cultural revolution
In the fall of 1964, sinologist Erik Zürcher traveled for the first time to China, a country he had been studying since 1947. A collection of Zürcher's personal writings from his trip, including letters and diary entries, Three Months in Mao's China offers not only new insights about the great scholar, but also a rich picture of communist China, which was in those days still almost completely inaccessible to Westerners. During a tumultuous time in world politics, as Nikita Khrushchev was deposed,...
Engels | 119 pagina's (ePub2, 8 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2017
Geert Mak The many lives of Jan Six
a portrait of an Amsterdam dynasty
Geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse patriciërsfamilie vanaf de zestiende eeuw tot en met de periode vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
Engels | ePub2, 4,2 MB | Atlas Contact, Amsterdam | 2017
Peter Olsthoorn The price we pay for Google
The growth of Google as a gate to information and entertainment is as dizzying as it is fascinating. 'I can't imagine a life without Google', is an often heard saying. There is a blind trust at its ground, but are we aware of Google's selection processes and what it does with the information on our behavior on the internet? The search results are getting more and more personal and the so-called 'free' services are paid for by the information on our surf behavior. We have become both the producer...
Engels | 71 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Eburon Elements, Delft | 2016
Carine Green Stress reset
based on a true story
For years, the Antwerp born and raised Carine Green (34) has been suffering from physical complaints, for which she can't find a solution. That's when she meets a mysterious man, J.P. He claims he's able to help her. She meets up with him and, little by little, he shares his insight with her. It's an insight that will change her life for good as well as the life of anyone who reads this book. The cause of pain, of being unhappy, is revealed and a solution is presented to deal with the physical and...
Engels | 108 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Beefcake Publishing, Gent | 2016