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Kathryn Littlewood Rose Bliss cooks up magic
Sinds Rose (12) de belangrijkste bakwedstrijd ter wereld heeft gewonnen, is ze beroemd. Maar dan wordt ze ontvoerd door bakkerij Mostess. Directeur Butter wil dat Rose magische koekjes gaat bakken die verslavend zijn. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Engels | 347 pagina's | HarperCollins Children's Books, London | 2015
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Saul Black The killing lessons
Een Amerikaans politieteam zoekt een seriemoordenaar die jonge vrouwen ontvoert, verkracht, martelt en voorwerpen in hun dode lichaam achterlaat.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 409 pagina's | Orion Books, London | 2015
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Lisa Jackson Never Die Alone
In New Orleans wordt het politieduo Bentz en Montoya geconfronteerd met de verdwijning van een tweeling op hun 21e verjaardag.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 428 pagina's | Mulholland Books, Hodder, London | 2015
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Tim Weaver What remains
Privé detective David Raker wordt door een oude vriend gevraagd een oude moordzaak te onderzoeken maar verdwijnt dan zelf, waarna het onderzoek een onverwachte wending neemt.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 581 pagina's | Michael Joseph, [London] | 2015
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Thomas Sweterlitsch The gone world
Shannon Moss van de Naval Criminal Investigative Service moet via tijdreizen de moord op de familie van een Navy Seal en de ontvoering van diens dochter oplossen.
Fictie | Detectiveroman | Science fiction
Engels | 388 pagina's | Headline, London | 2015
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Iris Pinson California dreaming
career, eroticism, and tragedy
Who doesn't want to become rich and achieve fame? A dream that surpasses reality? Isn't that what many people strive for in life? Or does the cherished dream end in a nightmare? Micky and Dana form an ambitious couple. They are at the beginning of their careers and are willing to make sacrifices for it. Dana is a beautiful young woman who has her fair share of admirers but is also critical. She has mapped out a career path for herself, cleverly using her charms. This approach proves to be highly...
Engels | 300 pagina's (ePub2) | Pinson Publisher, [Maassluis] | 2023
Iris Pinson Isn't it time
Isn't it time is about the life story of a woman who distances herself from her origins and pursues a successful career. Sonja Plattel is an independent woman who has learned from an early age to stand up for herself and manage her own affairs. Her appearance attracts men who find her attractive. She realizes that she can wrap them around her finger when it suits her. It is their problem that they fall in love with her, and she consumes them as if enjoying a meal. She carefully weighs how much she...
Engels | 300 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Pinson Publisher, [Maassluis] | 2023
Ton Toutnu The beginning, the end and everything in between
under the auspices of Dr. anTONius F.W. Morselt
The beginning, the end, and everything in between stars the man. It's about the life of a Dutch man, born in 1939 and up to the end that is yet to come. Preparations have started for that end, however. Judging by the large membership numbers of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijwillige Euthanasie-the Dutch euthanasia association-he is not the only one. Most of this book, however, is about what happens between birth and death. You have to talk to a Dutchman in half-English; that's what they like...
Engels | 336 pagina's (PDF, 73 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
R. Widemann Money is a mind thing
Money was a mind thing long before certain goods were used as money and coins started circulating. As it happens money isn't a thing, but an idea, an idea of debt. What we generally take for money, are merely symbols of this idea of money. In this book a reader accompanies the author on a tour along various ideas on value man had from the beginning of time. The result is a colourful description of the historical development of ideas on money and values from ancient history to our present time. Reinold...
Engels | 300 pagina's (PDF) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Steve Mosby I know who did it
Twee detectives speuren afzonderlijk van elkaar naar de omstandigheden rond de raadselachtige verdwijning van de zoon van een van hen en de mysterieuze verschijning van een voor dood gehouden vrouw.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 344 pagina's | Orion Books, London | 2015
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Patricia Harman The reluctant midwife
a Hope River novel
Tijdens de Grote Depressie (1929-1940) in de VS gaat het leven gewoon door en mensen leren improviseren om problemen op te lossen; verpleegkundige Becky en vroedvrouw Patience tonen voorbeelden van deze zelfredzaamheid.
Historische roman
Engels | 409 pagina's | William Morrow, [New York] | 2015
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Louise Millar City of strangers
Als een vrouw een dode man aantreft in haar appartement en daarna een envelop vindt met een boodschap gaat ze op onderzoek uit.
Fictie | Psychologische roman | Thriller
Engels | 388 pagina's | Macmillan, London | 2015
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John Donoghue The death's head chess club
Als een Nazi officier in Auschwitz hoort dat een joodse horlogemaker in het kamp goed kan schaken, wordt er een aantal schaakwedstrijden georganiseerd om aan te tonen dat Ariërs superieur zijn.
Fictie | Oorlogsroman
Engels | 387 pagina's | Atlantic Books, London | 2015
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Iona Grey Letters to the lost
De vondst van oude liefdesbrieven uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog door een meisje dat, op de vlucht voor haar vriend, in een onbewoond huis in Londen bivakkeert, zet een reeks gebeurtenissen in werking.
Engels | 549 pagina's | Simon & Schuster, a CBS Company, London | 2015
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Michelle Paver The crocodile tomb
Hylas en Pirra zijn in het oude Egypte op zoek naar de bronzen dolk van Koronos. Maar ook hun oude vijand Telamon en de zwarte krijgers willen de dolk graag vinden. Vanaf ca. 11 jaar.
Fictie | Historische roman
Engels | 309 pagina's | Puffin, UK | 2015
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Luc Smekens The art pope
The Art Pope is a critique on contemporary art and the way the Belgian state treats its visual artists. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 26 pagina's (ePub2, 0,1 MB) | Schrijverspunt, Almelo | 2018
Frieda Voorhorst Maze of mourning
In Maze of Mourning, Frieda Voorhorst describes the process of grieving after the death of her father. Her style is reflexive: in a detached way, she looks at her own emotions, thoughts and actions in retrospect. In this way, the book is contemplative without being weighty: it focusses on the dayly events in this period. The strong ties in the Voorhorst family between Frieda, her mother, her two sisters and her two brothers provide for a safe and harmonious background. Although the book concerns...
Engels | 200 pagina's (ePub2, 0,9 MB) | Johannes van Kessel Publishing, Huizen | 2017
Hans Jansen Why shouldn't Israel exist in the Middle East?
a synopsis
This book is a synopsis of the very extensive work Why shouldn't Israel exist in the Middle East? (published in 2015). The author argues that the Middle East conflict is the easiest problem in the world to explain, but also the most difficult to solve. "Briefly stated: Israel wants to exist, and to recognise the rights of the Palestinians to have their own state. The Palestinians and many other Arabs and Muslims, however, do not acknowledge that the Jewish State of Israel has a right to exist". Prof....
Engels | 52 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | Aspect Publishers, Soesterberg | 2017
Bart Luirink | Madeleine Maurick Homosexuality in Africa
a disturbing love
Plagues of locusts, drought and ebola. In Africa homosexuals are getting the blame for everything. It's open season. Homosexuality is called 'un-African', 'in direct conflict with its own distinctive culture', a 'western disease'. What's the motivation behind those leaders who are fighting to keep their continent 'morally pure'? There's another story. More and more African gays and lesbians are coming out of the closet. Equal rights activism has become a reality and a passionate debate is raging....
Engels | 234 pagina's (ePub2, 0,9 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2016
Esther J. Ending Ibiza's child
IBIZA, THE EIGHTIES. At the dawn of the techno and ecstasy era a lonely teenager sees her world going into a tailspin. Marianne, born on the island to a hippie mother and a drug dealing father, is trying to keep the pieces of her life together while one of her parents is in prison in Liverpool and the other is chasing her spiritual endeavours. When an officer from the notorious Guardia Civil offers her a ride and shelter, Marianne becomes deeply fascinated by him. Embarking on a vodka and drug fueled...
Engels | ePub2 | Lebowski, Amsterdam | 2016