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Resultaat 201 - 207 (van 207)
Els van Steijn The fountain, find your place
control your life through insight into your family system
Do you encounter the same problems in your daily life, time and time again? Do you want to shake off a feeling that you just can't put your finger on? Do you often feel guilty or are you a people pleaser? Are you stuck in an unhealthy relationship or is contact with your parents difficult? How can you learn to deal with this, so you can experience more calmness in your life? Stubborn patterns in your life can often be traced back to your family system, the inseverable connection you have with your...
Engels | ePub2, 1,4 MB | Het Noorderlicht, Avenhorn | 2020
Peter Olsthoorn The price we pay for Google
The growth of Google as a gate to information and entertainment is as dizzying as it is fascinating. 'I can't imagine a life without Google', is an often heard saying. There is a blind trust at its ground, but are we aware of Google's selection processes and what it does with the information on our behavior on the internet? The search results are getting more and more personal and the so-called 'free' services are paid for by the information on our surf behavior. We have become both the producer...
Engels | 71 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Eburon Elements, Delft | 2016
Berthold Gunster Omdenken
the Dutch art of flip-thinking
This practical booklet shows what flip-thinking means and how to do it. To flip through, to come up with ideas, to be put on the wrong track and especially to trigger your own creative ability. In short, look, think and - particularly - create. Berthold Gunster (1959) is the founding father of 'Omdenken', the Dutch art of flip-thinking. He has written several bestselling books about his ideas. With his team of actors and trainers he performs inspiring shows and workshops in both Dutch and English....
Engels | 64 pagina's (ePub2) | Lev., Amsterdam | 2016
Michael Tellinger Slave Species Of God
Cheats Unlimited are the specialists when it comes to video game cheats, tips and walkthrough guides. Fronted by the glamorous and gorgeous Cheatmistress, Cheats Unlimited has helped over five million gamers worldwide over the last 12 years. Through phone lines, fax machines, the Web and WAP sites and now eBooks, we have been there for gamers when they've needed us the most. With EZ Guides we aim to help you through the top games on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, DS and PSP, step by step...
Engels | ePub2, 5,1 MB | My Books, [Nederland] | 2016
Studio Visual Steps Cursusboek MOS Word 2016 en 2013
Nederlands | 328 pagina's | Visual Steps™, [Uithoorn] | 2016
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Studio Visual Steps Oefeningenbundel MOS Word 2016 en 2013
Nederlands | 119 pagina's | Visual Steps™, [Uithoorn] | 2016
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Yvonne C. Franssen Emowijzer®
samen praten over wat je voelt
De 'Emowijzer' is een hulpmiddel om met kinderen te praten over hun gevoelens. De gekleurde poppetjes met herkenbare uitdrukkingen van gezicht en lichaam op de Emowijzer helpen hierbij. Voor opvoeders van kinderen van ca. 3 t/m 11 jaar.
Nederlands | 41 pagina's | Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam | 2016
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