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Resultaat 201 - 220 (van 3066)
Kate Atkinson Emotionally Weird
On a peat and heather island off the west coast of Scotland, Effie and her mother Nora take refuge in the large mouldering house of their ancestors and tell each other stories.Nora, at first, recounts nothing that Effie really wants to hear, like who her father was - variously Jimmy, Jack, or Ernie. Effie tells of her life at college in Dundee, where she lives in a lethargic relationship with Bob, a student who never goes to lectures, seldom gets out of bed, and to whom the Klingons are as real as...
Engels | 496 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | Transworld, [Nederland] | 2010
Sue Grafton P is for Peril
Kinsey Millhone Alphabet series
P is for Peril is the sixteenth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.It is now nine weeks since Dr Dowan Purcell vanished without trace. The sixty-nine-year-old doctor had said goodnight to his colleagues at the Pacific Meadows nursing home, had climbed into his car and driven away – never to be seen again. His embittered first wife Fiona is convinced he is still alive. His second wife, Crystal – a former stripper forty years his junior – is just as sure he is dead. Enter...
Engels | ePub2, 0,7 MB | Pan, [Nederland] | 2010
Sue Grafton N is for Noose
Kinsey Millhone Alphabet series
N is for Noose is the fourteenth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.Sometimes I think about how odd it would be to catch a glimpse of the future, a quick view of events lying in store for us. Some moments we saw would make no sense at all and some, I suspect, would frighten us beyond our endurance . . . Early spring in the Sierra Nevada, bringing the usual driving sleet and snow. Private investigator Kinsey Millhone is on her way west when she detours into Nota Lake (pop. 2356)...
Engels | ePub2, 0,7 MB | Pan, [Nederland] | 2010
Sue Grafton O is for Outlaw
Kinsey Millhone Alphabet series
O is for Outlaw is the fifteenth in the Kinsey Millhone mystery series by Sue Grafton.First there was a phone call from a stranger, then a letter showed up fourteen years after it was sent. That''s how I learned I''d made a serious error in judgement and ended up risking my life . . .'' The call comes on a Monday morning from a guy who scavenges defaulted storage units at auction. Last weekend he bought a stack. They had stuff in them – Kinsey stuff. For thirty bucks, he''ll sell her the lot....
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | Pan, [Nederland] | 2010
Val McDermid Kick Back - PI Kate Brannigan, Book 2
'Kate Brannigan is truly welcome. Hot on one-liners, Chinese food, tabloid papers and Thai boxing, she is refreshingly funny' Daily MailKate Brannigan, feisty Manchester-based PI, is back, investigating the bizarre case of the missing conservatories. Before Long she's up to her neck in crooked land deals, mortgage scams, financial chicanery - and murder. But when a favour for a friend puts Kate's own life in danger, bizarre is not the first word she thinks of... Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 240 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | Harper Collins, [Nederland] | 2010
Sophie Kinsella Mini Shopaholic - Book 6
Like mother, like daughter...!Shopaholic Becky Brandon (n e Bloomwood)'s two-year-old is ... spirited. She knows what she wants, whether it's a grown-up Prada handbag or a toy pony (40% off, so a bargain, surely?) When yet another shopping trip turns to mayhem, Becky decides it's time to give Minnie her own pocket money. Is it a bad sign when Minnie goes instantly overdrawn?Minnie isn't the only one in financial crisis. As the Bank of London collapses, people are having to Cut Back. Everyone needs...
Engels | 496 pagina's (ePub2, 2 MB) | Transworld, [Nederland] | 2010
Sara Shepard Pretty Little Liars #7
#1 New York Times bestselling seriesThe seventh book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that inspired the hit ABC Family TV show Pretty Little Liars.Rosewoods four prettiest little liars are back, but this time they swear theyre telling the truth. Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily found a body in the woods, but when they take the cops back its vanished without a trace. And after those same woods go up in flames, the girls all see someone who looks exactly like Ali emergebut thats just not...
Engels | 304 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Harper Collins, [Nederland] | 2010
Sara Shepard Pretty Little Liars #8
#1 New York Times bestselling seriesThe eighth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that inspired the hit ABC Family TV show Pretty Little Liars.Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily have been through a lot togetherchildhood pranks gone horribly wrong, not one, but two stalkersblackmailers who know all their dirty secrets, not to mention their best friends murder investigation. Now these pretty little liars are finally going to uncover all the answers theyve been searching for, and they can...
Engels | 288 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | Harper Collins, [Nederland] | 2010
Cassandra Clare The Mortal Instruments 3
City of Glass
Third in Cassandra Clare's internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series about the Shadowhunters. Discover more secrets about the Shadowhunters as they fight to protect the world from demons in the third book in the internationally bestselling series. Amid the chaos of war, the Shadowhunters must decide to fight with the vampires, werewolves and other Downworlders - or against them. Meanwhile, Jace and Clary have their own decision to make: should they pursue the love they know is a mortal...
Engels | ePub2, 2,6 MB | Walker Books, [Nederland] | 2010
Peter de Ruiter | Kathleen Shordt Burma
beauty and the beast
Portret in woord en beeld van het huidige Birma met aandacht voor de schending van de mensenrechten.
Engels | 380 pagina's | PixelPerfect Publications, Den Haag | 2011
Damir Zitko | Jean-Christophe Camus | Michel Dufranne Exodus
Nederlands | 61 pagina's | Silvester, ['s-Hertogenbosch] | 2015
Gedrukt boek
Jon Mayhew Mortlock
Josie en Alfie moeten de Amarant vernietigen, de plant die het eeuwige leven schenkt. Maar hun zoektocht naar de plant wordt bemoeilijkt door spannende gebeurtenissen en griezelige wezens. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Fictie | Griezelverhaal
Engels | 400 pagina's (ePub, 0,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Roshi Fernando Homesick
Bundel samenhangende verhalen rond een Sri Lankaanse familie in Engeland.
Fictie | Verhalenbundel
Engels | ePub, 2,1 MB | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Mel Wallis de Vries Vals
Twee thrillers waarin vier vriendinnen in de Ardennen één voor één verdwijnen en een van de leerlingen van atheneum 5 tijdens een schoolreisje op Vlieland wordt vermoord. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Thriller
Nederlands | 835 pagina's | Dwarsligger©, [Amsterdam] | 2017
New York architecture
Fotoboek over hedendaagse architectuur in de stad New York.
meerdere talen | 671 pagina's | FKG, Barcelona | 2010
Gedrukt boek
Yann Tiersen Piano works
88 pagina's | Universal Music, [Paris] | 2010
Russell Punter Old Mother Hubbard
Spot de hond heeft honger. Zijn oude bazinnetje en Spot gaan naar de slager voor een bot. Maar het vrouwtje heeft geen geld bij zich. Spot weet raad. Met cd en tekst op rijm. Vanaf ca. 7 jaar.
Fictie | Dierenleven
Engels | 32 pagina's | Usborne Publishing Ltd., London | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Rob Møhlmann Jan Mankes' buitenbeeld
een tijdreis door de woon- en werkwereld van Jan Mankes (1889-1920) met documenten, kunst, prenten, kaarten, boeken en ansichten uit zijn tijd
Nederlands | 320 pagina's | Museum Møhlmann, Appingedam | 2010
Gedrukt boek
Gooise pracht
schitterende architectuur
Beknopte informatie in woord en beeld over bijzondere gebouwen en woonhuizen in het Gooi.
Nederlands | 383 pagina's | Waanders, Zwolle | 2010
Gedrukt boek
Peter van Dijk Madame Sabatier
haar vrienden, haar minnaars
Portret van de beroemde 19e-eeuwse Franse courtisane en muze.
Nederlands | 271 pagina's | Atlas, Amsterdam [etc.] | 2010
Gedrukt boek